Example sentences of "do not [verb] on " in BNC.

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1 The life of the University both did and did not go on .
2 Describing the American feature film , The Last Temptation of Christ , to which he awarded a certificate , as a challenging religious film he said that acontroversial scene : ‘ It indicated that Christ had sex , but it did not go on for 14 minutes . ’
3 The boy , unlike the dog , knew that the mud did not go on for ever ; beyond the bridge , the disused railway embankment along which they were walking became built up , so that water ran off it .
4 She did not go on to express the next thought in her mind : thank goodness Annabel was going away to school , and very soon the association would be closed , for its continuance would create an impossible situation .
5 Yet in practice this view was not extended to take in the case of gender : the advances made as a result of the critique of behaviourism and pluralism did not go on to question the assumptions and mechanisms that continue to define politics as the affair of men .
6 She did not go on to explain that to remove anything would be wrong as far as she was concerned .
7 He asked whose side I was on , and when I told him I was strongly opposed to Bodyline he said he thought it would be better if I did not go on with it .
8 But it was safer if Nona did not go on and dig this out of him .
9 Engels ( 1874 ) , in an essay on authority directed against the anarchists , commented upon violent political revolutions that ‘ a revolution is certainly the most authoritarian thing there is ’ , but he did not go on to consider whether the authoritarianism of an armed revolutionary struggle might not subsequently become firmly entrenched in the practices of a post-revolutionary government ; and he could not foresee that the ‘ dictatorship of the proletariat ’ ( a phrase which he and Marx occasionally used in order to refer to the political dominance of the working class , conceived as the vast majority of the population , in the initial phase of socialist society ) would be transformed into a plain dictatorship and a reign of terror , turned against the people themselves .
10 These migrants differed in some important respects from the 46% of applicants who were non–enrollers , ( those who applied to a particular institution but did not go on to enrol anywhere ) .
11 It would seem that there is a demand for such assistance as 1 in 5 of all applicants said that they did not go on to take the course because of financial difficulties .
12 This is because the revolution in East Germany after 1945 changed the structures of power and ownership — but did not go on to change the structure of social relationships .
13 ‘ You did not go on ahead ? ’
14 Some is there because owners did not pass on new addresses when they moved .
15 I did not switch on the light in case it should dazzle her .
16 Rory did not switch on a light , but strode to the window and jerked back the drapes .
17 When asked if the police would continue to charge the travellers if they did not move on , he replied : ‘ I presume so . ’
18 Tissington however , did not hold on to his lease for very long .
19 In total , mergers did not occur on quite the same scale as they did in the 1920s — which was equivalent to something like one-third of all firms in manufacturing going out of existence — but they caused the loss of an equivalent of a quarter of all firms .
20 Gregory argues that if God did not take on a humanity like ours , then we are not redeemed ; for it was through sharing our humanity that Christ redeemed it .
21 This did not take on , but from the time of the Pioneers some red-figure artists sometimes draw in outline on a white slip , most often on the interior of a cup where there was not the problem of the receding surface .
22 A Department of Agriculture might function more effectively for agriculture if it did not take on , unnecessarily and confusingly , a role in food marketing .
23 ‘ Binge ’ diary Week 1 Decided to give up vomiting ; binged three times 2–3 Noticed that when stressed by children she turned to food and binged 4–5 Binged only once each week 6–7 Returned home and observed how she wanted to please her parents 8–9 On holiday , eating three meals a day — discovered she did not put on weight .
24 For people did not keep on wearing the same garments , not for eleven , twelve years .
25 His parents did not get on and parted during the war , which put an end to the old hierarchic world of Amnersfield , where you were not to look at your masters when they came up the drive , but to hoe on regardless .
26 A Welsh smallholder quarryman moved into the family farm so that his wife could go out to earn as a washerwoman , but the children did not get on well with their step-grandmother : ‘ There was a very hard side to her , she was a very stern woman , and we did n't like her . ’
27 And then , supposing they did not get on ?
28 Until now neither Lineker nor Taylor had admitted what everyone close to the England camp knew — they simply did not get on .
29 Earlier this year she persuaded a judge to let her stay with her boyfriend 's family because she did not get on with her father , who had recently been reconciled with his wife .
30 She was now unhappy living there , did not get on with the son 's girlfriend , and wanted her money back so she could live elsewhere .
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