Example sentences of "they would [verb] them " in BNC.

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1 For example , the thought ‘ They are on my left ’ does not ‘ succeed ’ as a thought unless I can also have other thoughts such as ‘ If I move to my left they will move to my right ’ , ‘ They are substantial ’ ( that is , not a chimera ) , ‘ They are reachable/not reachable ’ , ‘ They are supported by something ’ , ‘ A large opaque object coming between me and them would render them invisible to me ’ …
2 I remember when I was working on the building sites in Manchester , the Irish lads called onions " navvies ' apples " and some of them would peel them and eat them whole like fruit .
3 ‘ What an excellent product … its first use has prevented the bank foreclosing on a client when it seemed certain that they would wind them up ’ ( HBB Group of Chartered Accountants )
4 And to encourage people to work they would make them fill in a job-sheet saying how many forms they had booked in .
5 The great danger of the proposals , I said , was not that they would fail to improve our schools , but that they would make them worse .
6 They would offer them as a high reward investment ( playing down the risk ) with all the liquidity of shares , and with a potential to convert into shares perhaps on one specific day each year .
7 Perhaps the police would n't even let them do that , perhaps they would treat them like gypsies and move them on and on and not let them stop anywhere .
8 They would give them money and accept the little religious pictures or good luck messages that the shepherds handed out .
9 Thank you everybody who said they would do them for next year .
10 thing but we linked it right into Christmas decorations and how they would build them and how they 'd make them , and how difficult it was and to actually make something that looked er , reasonably good
11 Otherwise they would kick them off and we 'd lose them .
12 ‘ Our social workers felt it was a waste of time going for public law orders because the girls had made it clear they would flout them , ’ said assistant county secretary David Spicer .
13 ‘ You would find enterprise agencies did not know what to do with a disabled person they would refer them elsewhere and lose the problem . ’
14 bodies you see in case they would lift them .
15 With the blanket though he would , they would stop them from moving like , you know ?
16 They would regard them as essential information necessary to plan their activities , to prepare operating budgets and to assist in pricing their products .
17 Students should be asked to consider particular items of costs that are traditionally classified as variable and fixed and to comment how they would expect them to behave over activity levels in reality .
18 They would expect them today ?
19 a matter will be er that we going to fight er , easily er so I mean i , it meant that the er , that er er some more should be brought out so that it er does er adhere to what er these er er government departments er expect as a response rather than er er as this considered issue raising er , we can er facilitate that er quite er easily but er I think er the the main point is what Hugh has said , that er we opposed it because it 's not going to help in my view it 's not going to help er the patients , the patients are not going to come off any better as a result of er , these er er what I would say and I feel and er the , I I I 'd like to know what er the GP 's think about cos GP 's usually erm er , advise their patients if they have to wait a long time from one hospital , they would advise them to go into London and er , if that 's been stopped as been er that 's been stated erm then erm , er the GP 's are not going to feel very happy about their patients er , getting er erm a lesser service .
20 Not only did they enjoy , indeed relish , healthy sexual appetites , they made it obvious that they would satisfy them where and when they felt like it , on their Own terms .
21 Well they would move them round this fella himself , but it 's gon na be a hell of a lot of money to get them to do that .
22 Mehu claimed : ‘ They would take them to a lake .
23 The monkeys had to be deprived of their regular food and accustomed to the peanuts for weeks before they would take them with any readiness , let alone treat the nuts as rewards for appropriate behaviour .
24 They would salt them down and let them lie in the brine for a while and they would take them out and dry them .
25 They took assets on to their books assuming they would sell them at a profit shortly afterwards .
26 They justify what they do by seeing their potential customers as they would like them to be , rather than as they are .
27 Er I 'm glad you raised the point about the distribution between the districts , and apart from your comment er I know Mr Davis is opposed to the idea , I have n't discerned a view either way from anyone else , whether they would like them or would not like them .
28 Well all like fishes and they would destroy them and
29 One day , in years to come , they would kidnap them , too .
30 Or they would rob them or threaten to execute them .
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