Example sentences of "they must not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They must not stand upon the fire above an hour att a time .
2 This is again to put it broadly — that they must not exercise their powers arbitrarily or so unreasonably that the exercise of the discretion is clearly unjustifiable .
3 Since Thresher suspended Mr Newton and Mr Onanuga with the stern warning that they must not speak about the affair , the pair have been hiding .
4 This was not as easy as they hoped ; they knew that , however much it might disapprove of their activities , the English government certainly had no power to get its orders obeyed on the western side of the Atlantic , but their charter , which they hoped would make them independent of England , and on which they relied for the legal basis of their community , said — like all the other charters — that they must not pass laws that were not consistent with English laws .
5 While there is no general duty imposed by law upon employees to cooperate with their employer , they must not betray their employer 's trust , for instance by giving away trade secrets .
6 They must not forget sabbath law in the coming busy seasons of sowing and harvest .
7 He told the others they must not forget about roast Gnome being a traditional dish for the Gruagach 's grander festivals .
8 What they must not do is to get in there at half time and think that they have done their job .
9 Parents of allergic children have to walk a tightrope — on the one hand they need to warn their child about things to avoid , but on the other hand they must not make the child over-anxious .
10 Other principles accepted by the declaration were : i ) that the polluter should pay for the cost of the clean-up ; ii ) that environmental damage should be guarded against even if there were no apparent scientific reasons for doing so — the " precautionary principle " ; iii ) that women have " a vital role in environmental management and development " ; and iv ) that , while nations have a right to exploit their own resources , they must not damage the environments of other states .
11 After that , Dinah should disappear for a little ; they must not grow accustomed to her , and he himself had a leading part waiting which demanded full passions ; that of Tamburlaine .
12 The trainer also has the responsibility to convey to the trainees that they must not think of themselves as problem solvers , but only as facilitators .
13 The padre told them that they must not think that theirs was a wasted journey .
14 But in doing so they must not restrict the opportunities for one gender or racial group .
15 The bikes had to survive a six-week tour in total wilderness , with fifty kilograms of camping gear , and they must not break .
16 They must not go at all .
17 They must not underspend or overspend , and must regularize the volume of books received so that the processing departments have an even flow of work throughout the year .
18 They must not carry passengers or goods except the Company 's own stores .
19 What will the Germans think when they arrive in Glasgow with players still fresh from a ten-week break in the Bundesliga and a legislative system which means that if any of their players has called off from this game they must not play for their club sides next weekend ? ’
20 They must not use it selfishly without regard to the social purposes which it should serve .
21 Shadow National Heritage spokesman Ann Clywd was also pleased with the Government 's plans but warned they must not put pools staff out of work .
22 All the same he watched them like a cold-eyed hawk , and Maggie knew they must not put one foot wrong , favour or not .
23 The Government must exercise the wisdom of Solomon : although they must not put too much money into that sector , if they put in too little , the owners of care homes will tend to withdraw the little extra facilities that are so enjoyed by the elderly people .
24 That was one of the orders , there was a little bathroom down in the in the first floor and the thing that they must not get , was your hands dirty .
25 There must be no encroachments : they must not appropriate her memories and make them theirs .
26 A serious attempt to understand the relation between the real object and the thought object must therefore avoid the trap of giving an ideological answer , and this in turn demands that questions about the character of the relation should be open-ended ; they must not presuppose any one conclusion .
27 It is for broadcasting authorities to determine what constitutes the appropriate degree of impartiality , and they must not lose sight of their obligation not to include in their programmes matter which is likely to encourage or incite crime or be offensive to public feeling .
28 Yet they must not lose the support of the environmental lobby or local Conservative councillors .
29 They then count , but they must not say any number that is a multiple of seven or has a seven in it .
30 However , where the directors are together the majority shareholders , they must not abuse their voting control to discriminate against the minority .
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