Example sentences of "they were do and " in BNC.

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1 As the Warriors moved on , the section commanders continued to tell their men over the vehicle briefing system what they were to do and what they should expect .
2 Hard work , then sudden pauses as people were overwhelmed by what they were doing and why they had to do it .
3 But neither man could entirely ignore North 's fevered memoranda , insisting that without the awful procession of weapons shipments the hostages would die ; and both men , while they were in office , had to go each morning to a president who would ask them what they were doing and importune them to try harder .
4 Only one-third claimed to be confident in what they were doing and , like the other subjects in this question , there were ample opportunities for training to improve their abilities .
5 When news of the Bookman 's capture had spread , everyone dropped what they were doing and rushed to the library as fast as they could .
6 I do n't know what they were doing and I guess that could be called an orgy .
7 As she advanced into this room full of teenagers , pretending not to smell the rich aroma of Acapulco Gold , gracefully rippling the caftan of pink flowered silk which she considered appropriately hip casual wear , the kids all stopped what they were doing and collected admiringly around her .
8 The children were told off , told to shut up , told to stop what they were doing and hit .
9 Gandhi 's reference to people being allowed to follow their own desires , provided they were old enough to know what they were doing and were not subjected to force or material inducements , is an indication of the dubious conversion methods employed by some missionaries .
10 When a radical new result arrives , see how they all drop what they were doing and pursue the new promise .
11 They knew what they were doing and they were getting hits from it , whereas we are an experimental albums band . ’
12 He and half a dozen of his fellows stopped what they were doing and , brandishing sticks and bars , advanced on the crowd .
13 Both parties knew or should have known what they were doing and what they had bargained for when they entered into the contract . ’
14 Everybody in the street stopped what they were doing and began to shout themselves .
15 Faces around her were shut in , people failed to concentrate on what they were doing and there would be more driving accidents .
16 The adviser spelt out the details of the scheme , saying that the self-appraisal consisted of providing factual information , looking at what they were doing and describing it so that advisers could understand what they are trying to do .
17 It 's more interesting for the children than being asked " Can you remember what we did least week ? " , it makes them immediately active , it reminds them what they were doing and can be very informative for the teacher , who can see clearly what the children are finding most engaging about the work .
18 The Court of Appeal concluded that this was a case of deliberate and secret action by the employees and the defendants in circumstances in which they must have known the exact result of what they were doing and must have known it was wrong .
19 They knew what they were doing and thought ’ Sod them ’ and just gone ahead anyway .
20 Three businessmen were then prosecuted for selling Iraq machine tools for making weapons — but confidential documents showed that they had told ministers what they were doing and had been encouraged to carry on .
21 Obviously somebody knew what they were doing and I imagine Toby was taken away for racing or stud , ’ said Mr McKillen .
22 The key to a successful prosecution is proving that at the time of the offence the children understood the seriousness of what they were doing and were not simply behaving mischievously .
23 They both knew what they were doing and did n't just rush into it .
24 We asked people to keep a diary of what they were doing and to fill in this diary every half an hour , saying where they were , who they were with and what they were doing , and we were able to see erm first of all that the range of people that you meet decreases when you 're unemployed , that you 're actually spending more time alone , less time with friends and other people .
25 erm Everybody was so enthusiastic about what they were doing and erm people like David Bellamy , he gets very excited on television programmes but talking to him as we were , you could see how sincere he is about everything that he does and how dedicated to the cause .
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