Example sentences of "they were [to-vb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Abigail drove the blue WRVS van , Miss Poraway sat beside her with a list of the names and addresses they were to visit that morning , the diabetics marked with a ‘ D ’ , as were the corresponding dinners in the metal hot-boxes .
2 From then on , every two years or so , they were to acquire more brothers and sisters : Elizabeth ; Mary , who died the year after her birth ; then Sarah or Susanna , baptised along with a new Mary in 1784 .
3 And so , er , when th the reapers were gathering in the harvest they were not allowed to go right to the edge of the field , they had to leave a border , they were not to go right into the corners , they were to leave those areas , so that the poorer members , so that those who did not have could come and could gather what was left behind .
4 If they were to talk all night , they would still be no nearer to viewing life from a similar standpoint .
5 Those with 16 or 17 passes but meeting all other requirements , and who could not keep within the ‘ 21 rule ’ if they were to take additional modules are awarded a degree without honours .
6 They were to take some of the lawyer 's personal possessions , his wallet , his watch and his jacket , and , if the opportunity arose , they were to take his car as well .
7 Instead , they were to receive 5 per cent of their balances by way of a cash distribution .
8 They were to demonstrate good and bad practices but hopefully mostly good .
9 Although they had recently lost narrowly to New Zealand , there was no question that West Indies were now the outstanding team in the world , and they were to continue that way throughout the 1980s .
10 It was necessary therefore to originate our national network shows early in the evening if they were to reach other parts of the country before their respective peak listening hours had passed into bedtimes .
11 They were to call each other ‘ father ’ and ‘ son ’ and be friends with one sole interruption until Richard 's death .
12 But if they were to examine that bullet hole and find it was caused by the same sort of gun that killed her … ’
13 They could , theoretically , have radiated worldwide , just as they were to do 130 million years later , when the rhynchosaurs and synapsids disappeared .
14 The Palestinians were fighting their way forward — as they were to do many times in the future — in the wrong direction .
15 However , they recognized that if they were to do this , they would also be required to create a " buffer stock " of less protected workers to ensure that operational flexibility was maintained .
16 The movements of plates would be greatly complicated if they were to undergo significant internal deformation rather than acting as thin but rigid caps in motion around a sphere .
17 Should this approach receive no response they were to form joint anti-Fascist committees at a lower level " despite the leadership " .
18 These arose out of the feeling that trade unions had to become involved in other spheres of influence if they were to offset any serious injury which might befall them as a result of the General Strike .
19 There are undoubtedly people who will still say , ‘ I do n't want my little Johnny to get food poisoning and that 's the end of the story , ’ — although unfortunately , they would be misled if they were to choose irradiated food for that reason . ’
20 Altogether they were to spend 15 months in the English capital and late in April they made the first of three visits ( the others were in May and October ) to the court of King George III and Queen Charlotte .
21 What the treaty did not do was to make the two kingdoms of France and England one ; they were to remain separate , each with its own legal and administrative identity .
22 These beliefs were rooted far deeper in the past than attitudes to taxation or to education , and they were to remain tenacious into late NEP despite mounting persecution , as will be seen when this same area is re-examined later .
23 For his sisters needed brotherly protection if they were to remain worthy to marry into the Ducas clan , and so in turn protect the future of the fallen d'Arquebus family .
24 Market forces would then bring it about that ‘ bad ’ schools would simply wither away , or be compelled to become ‘ good ’ , if they were to remain open .
25 Erm you said when we left er where we left off last time , about erm about people and how delighted the they were to get second hand clothing .
26 They are breaking it apart , and if they were to get another five years they would all but finish the job . ’
27 They are breaking it apart , and if they were to get another five years they would all but finish the job . ’
28 Their punishment was that they were to walk bare foot behind the procession on the following Sunday , but instead of one taper they had to carry four tapers ( value 2d ) and there they should offer two at the High Altar , and two at the Altar of St. John .
29 The last day of November 1845 was set by the Board of Trade as the day on which all new railway plans had to be lodged if they were to stand any hope of a parliamentary hearing .
30 Oxford had a lot to do if they were to stand any chance of taking on Italian opposition .
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