Example sentences of "they had come from " in BNC.

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1 Nina tugged Anne back , towards the way they had come from .
2 The old man had been a seaman , and they had come from Chatham seeking a relative who had once lived next door , but who they found had moved .
3 The competition was to take place in August and , although she was for ever panicking about what they still could n't do , she tended to overlook how far they had come from first beginnings .
4 They eventually learned to speak English and explained they had come from St Martin 's Land , a twilit , subterranean place .
5 While servitors were bringing food and wine , the visitors accounted for themselves , where they had come from and what had transpired , the situation at Berwick and over on the West March .
6 They had come from Italy .
7 Puzzled , I finally twigged where they had come from : the synthetic rock — supposedly safe — that I had decorated the tank with .
8 I thought — I mean , I thought they had come from Stuart .
9 In between the various tests there was a delay of two or three days when we would be left on tenterhooks in case we had failed ; every afternoon people would be told to pack their bags and would be deposited at Aubagne station to take a train back to where they had come from .
10 Originally they had come from the Dartmoor Pony Sale as weanlings the previous autumn and had spent the winter in a large stable .
11 I knew so little about who had held them and how they had got out , it seemed as if they had come from a different world , a different time .
12 I had enquiries made as to the origins of the zombis , but no one knew where they had come from .
13 Someone stepped on a loose plank in the alley down which they had come from the bridge , and the timber squealed .
14 Probably she would have a good few stories to tell about the world they had come from .
15 The Pole Star and the Southern Cross gave early sailors some idea of where they had come from and the direction they needed to take .
16 This time in the hotels I particularly noticed how many people of different tongues were also staying there — all babbling away and making me wonder who they were and where they had come from .
17 They were not very loud , like the crack of a fairground rifle , and they had come from behind him , from the playground .
18 On the carpet by the tallboy were several red carnations , as fresh as they had come from the florist , and beside them , a shattered glass spill .
19 He loitered , untroubled but curious , for they were no small company , and by the line of their march they had come from Ruthyn .
20 She did n't know how far they had come from Gloucester , but surely after an hour at a steady gallop they had put enough distance between themselves and the castle to halt for a few minutes .
21 They had come from the Murray .
22 If they had come from any other man or woman in the kingdom of Scotland , they would have been considered treasonable ; writing to her brother Henry , Margaret made constant pleas for the English to send troops into Scotland to restore her as Regent and crush any opposition to her and the Earl of Angus .
23 Whatever information they had came from such second-hand reports as they were bound to pick up either in Marseilles or in Italy or in the Balkans , without having to visit the country for themselves .
24 Mind you , a lot of them had come from the army and from the navy — but I do n't think that makes man 's nature alter to that effect .
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