Example sentences of "they had [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Having parted with my dear flock ’ , he says , ‘ I need not say without mutual sense and tears , I left Mr. Baldwin to live privately among them and oversee them in my stead , and visit them from home to home ; advising them , notwithstanding all the injuries they had received and all the failings of the ministers that preached to them and the defects of the present way of worship , that yet they should keep to the public assemblies and make use of such helps as might be had in public , together with this private help … ‘ ( i.e. r.Baldwin ) .
2 The evaluators found that in some schools library committees had become moribund , and although this was often blamed on industrial action , some people did seem to have lost interest once they had received and spent their grant .
3 By unspoken arrangement , those who preferred to travel in silence were left alone when they had received and returned a nod of acknowledgement from their closest neighbours …
4 They had enquired if he was at the pottery and been told that he was not .
5 But the last thing she had expected was that John would take advantage of it , especially after so long an absence from her , and even more especially after the crisis they had endured and survived together these months past .
6 Vast benefactions brought these men knighthoods or baronetcies or honorary degrees from universities they had endowed but not had the chance to attend .
7 Kylie admits that the tour of the chic boutiques in Paris , London and New York gave the sisters a chance to catch up on a lot of the times they had missed when the demands of television companies just had to take priority over family .
8 The land which they had loved and tended for so many generations — to survive off this land was the aim of their lives , the justification for all struggles .
9 The plantation owners were mainly Low Country Sinhalese from the littoral who were seeking to invest capital which they had made as entrepreneurs , and they usually hired Low Countrymen to manage their estates .
10 Until yesterday morning , the Ministry had not given the nuns any information on the tests they had made or what these had revealed .
11 The Pack Meeting Hall was now fairly bulging with Christmas gifts they had made or bought , or begged from their mothers .
12 Some departmental heads had found the discussions within their departments to be very useful and two new heads of departments had found the appraisal to be very worthwhile in terms of taking stock of their situation — as something they had to do as of necessity .
13 and they had to they had to sit in rows and they had to do as they were told and they were n't allowed
14 They made it clear also , as they had to do because of the rules by which we work , that no such change could be put into effect without formal consultation and the consent of both Houses .
15 The couple say it bore no relation to plans they had inspected and that Mr Minashi slammed the phone down when they rang .
16 They had packed and Adam had locked up the house .
17 This is an activity that does n't bear repeating often as sponsors sometimes discover that they have pledged themselves to give much more than they had intended and that , unlike the purchase of a raffle ticket or a ticket to a school event , there is no chance of personal gain .
18 He was not sure how she would take it , leaving the house before they had intended and moving up north ; also , in the last few years he had got into the habit of sparing her any unnecessary decisions or arguments .
19 Cole adds that what actually happened when the Pioneers engaged in production was not what they had intended when they started their co-operative ; and goes on to offer a more detailed explanation : The Rochdale Manufacturing Society was set up in 1854 , Supposing that , as an expression of democracy , Co-operative principles are as valid for the producer working in the factory producing goods for sale in the Co-operative store as they are for the consumer buying them there , a newcomer to the story might find it surprising that the Pioneers ' belief is presented , if not itself as a matter for surprise , then certainly one for explanation .
20 Then confronted with the enormity of the defeat which the Party had suffered , many members were completely i incapable of understanding er what had gone on , were disoriented by the defeat they had suffered and were open to the argument the strategy was right all along , the revolution is still going forward , there are going to be new uprisings by the masses and so on and so forth .
21 It made up for all the poverty and hardship they had suffered , and planted a new , fierce determination in her to make her way in the world , to marry well and make up for all the injustice they had suffered because of her Uncle Harry .
22 Whether we take Lorentz 's view that the masses were bored and ready to be distracted or Macpherson 's notion that they had sensed that the movies were at least hinting at new possibilities , it is difficult to avoid being swept along by the romance of those early days .
23 Where he might have been standing still had not the eagles lunged at him , as if moments before it fell they had sensed that some danger was there and had sought to protect him .
24 On 5 January 1201 Philip , the notary , and Cardinal Guido were sent : they had gone before Egidius returned with the news that things were going very badly for Otto .
25 When they had gone and the noise of the engines had faded away , all would be quiet for a few hours and most people on night duty could relax — but not the Met Office , of course .
26 It seemed that they should stop and follow the sight of the two young boys , but it was too late they had been and they had gone and now only a disturbance was left behind .
27 Five minutes later they had gone and Melissa was standing alone in the middle of the courtyard , wondering what to do next .
28 They had searched but the only money they had found was two and eightpence in Mrs Cullam 's handbag , a white plastic handbag with black grease in its creases .
29 So after they had fasted and prayed , they placed their hands on them and sent them off .
30 They had volunteered and were prepared to masquerade in German uniform , knowing full well the risks they ran if caught .
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