Example sentences of "they can not [be] " in BNC.

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31 N.B. It should be noted that in Austria twin beds often consist of two separate mattresses attached to a single frame or headboard and they can not be separated .
32 By the physiologist within his special and well defined universe of discourse they may be properly regarded as epiphenomena ; but by the naturalist in his more catholic survey of nature they can not be so regarded .
33 The normal definition , that tasks will be executed at Community level only if they can not be satisfactorily dealt with at national level , begs the most important questions which can ever be asked in a democratic system : who decides ? how ? what for ?
34 But they lack the three essentials : they do not evolve , they do not process energy , and they can not be called organisms .
35 The explanations in the official report are so naive that they can not be taken seriously .
36 Its remuneration in the form of wages may not be very high , but does offer a measure of security , in that wages are contractually established and regulated under existing labour laws , which means that in theory they can not be arbitrarily withdrawn or altered .
37 Although every parent has the right in the fullness of time to decide whether he or she feels they can cope with their child , they can not be placed in a position of absolute power over its life if they have an extremely misleading impression of the form that that child 's life might take .
38 We have not included these qualities in our statements of attainment because they can not be mapped on to levels .
39 However diverse their origins , this means that they can not be presumed typical of their time ; certainly many wrote their life stories just because they were exceptional .
40 Products which are capable of sterilising are either so noxious or corrosive in the concentration required that they can not be used .
41 Once set they can not be altered .
42 Today there are very few old buildings so structurally unsound that they can not be saved .
43 Journalists do not mind being reminded so long as they do not think you are pressing them to write something they can not be sure will be published .
44 It has been proved that when people are not emotionally involved with other people , and have no interest in the world around them , they can not be happy .
45 The ‘ headlands ’ , where the horses or tractors turn at either end of the ridges , constitute too large a proportion of a smallholder 's roots field to be allowed to lie fallow , but they can not be cultivated and sown until the inter-row hoeing is completed .
46 PI : Locks Warranty : In addition to withdrawing keys from locks , the keys must now also be placed where they can not be seen by a would be thief .
47 keys are withdrawn from the locks fitted to the Home and placed where they can not be seen by anyone intent on making an unauthorised entry
48 keys are withdrawn from the locks fitted to the Home and placed where they can not be seen by anyone intent on making an unauthorised entry
49 Howard has now become scrupulous about washing his socks in fairly hot soapy water ( they can not be washed in extremely hot water because he favours woollen socks , though cotton would be preferable ) and regularly airing his boots .
50 I do not know how this can be avoided except perhaps by getting more things settled at the official level , and when they can not be settled there having the issues presented plainly to ministers .
51 They can not be expected to read every piece of intelligence that pours into Whitehall .
52 With a fairly short grazing season , especially in the north , recent animal welfare laws stipulate that dairy cows must not be kept indoors throughout the year but at least exercised outside , even if they can not be grazed .
53 Many of these patients claim that they can not be fat because they eat only one meal a day .
54 When deprived of these sensations they can not be used as checks when maintaining a safe environment .
55 ‘ Foreign ’ words can be heard but meaning can not be attached to them ; they can not be interpreted .
56 That , in my own mind , though they can not be opened for the day to the public to see are gardens by comparison with which the most beautiful garden of this island is tawdry and unkempt .
57 They can not be distilled in pure form .
58 Therefore they can not be picked up from water supplied , swimming pools , buildings or factories .
59 The records contain much of interest ( and in this regard they can not be unique ) .
60 I suppose ‘ watching ’ is the wrong word , for parents , especially mothers , are so involved in the whole process that they can not be impartial observers .
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