Example sentences of "they would do [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Living proof of this point are tonight 's audience , who have come here hoping for some of the screaming industrial hardcore MBM used to play , but nevertheless 90 per cent of them would do their unintentionally amusing Maori rugby player dance to a series of sampled farts if they thought they should .
2 Possibly the twenties costumes would n't be too kind to Therese , but they 'd do something about that when the time came .
3 Dammit , woman , if they 'd do something like this then there 's no knowing what they 'll do next ! ’
4 If it happened to them , they 'd do something .
5 If these people wanted to d if these people wanted to c and they really cared about conservation and education they 'd do what the care for the wild have done .
6 Oh rather yes , out-work , people used during the First World War there were no end of people were sort of er especially if they 'd had a bit of experience in the leather industry like harness and saddlery and that sort of thing , especially the harness and er other work attached to leather cavalry and er revolver holsters and that sort of thing , they 'd do them at home you know oh yes there was er now Walsall 's divided is n't it ?
7 They 'd done it for Adam and Christopher and they 'd do it for him .
8 It just makes you feel good because you kid yourself they 'd do it for free anyway . ’
9 Er and other er women would you know you 'd take it to them an and they 'd do it in , in their own homes .
10 If the family were going to take on the outside world , they 'd do it in eccentric style , his father had implied .
11 And it still is n't their scale of operation ; they 'd do it big or not at all . ’
12 They 'd do it deliberately to embarrass the Government .
13 I think historically although you know historians can much better than me , erm historically maybe the way that the rock has been worked with a bagging system and it was you know and lots of quarry men had little bits of farm as well around Blaenau especially and you get a feeling er from reading about it that er you know they have a an almost self employed attitude to their to their work and their rock and the fact that er they 'd do it in their own you know wor work the rock in a certain way and this and very sort of proud erm of their work and that and From talking a lot to them and being close to you know it you feel that that that 's still very much the same really you know there is this sort of close relationship and that with their em employers there was you know a lot of you know was n't it was n't straight it as straight as you said a straight employer employee relationship that they was A lot of s sort of er give and take probably and I think they were outraged at this sort of McGregor type tactic really that you know this new machine .
14 and in our my case give a zero or or an infinite , I 'm not sure which way round they 'd do it erm tax coding which I find
15 well not posters , the horsewatch is a prime example where I wanted to look at setting a format in a particular way , and to sit at the side of either Alf or Tracey well now alter it to that or to that I 'm sure they 'd do it , but nevertheless it 's putting them off their work .
16 But sometimes the door was open and they 'd do it all out the front doors like this a and fresh , fresh people trying to get in .
17 The buil the I 've rung them up and they said they 'd do it .
18 No I think , I reckon that if you knew that the bloke was an easy pull , they would n't do it if they , if they knew they could n't get the girl cos otherwise it would be embarrassing for them , but if they knew that she was an easy pull they 'd do it for a joke .
19 There was some people round here that were selling gear that were n't smack'eads and they 'd do you a lay on without any rings or surety or nothing and you 'd say , well , ‘ Lay us on half a gram and I 'll sell it , like ’ , and they 'd say , ‘ Alright ’ , and then you 'd go back a coupla days later and say , ‘ Look .
20 You may walk with me like a civilised man if you care to , but I warn you there 'll be an archer behind to keep us in view , so 1 would n't advise you to try any tricks , they 'd do you no good . ’
21 They really hate my father — they 'd do anything to get at him . ’
22 They 'd do anything , my duck .
23 They 'd do anything for you within reason you know .
24 Sir Patrick and Foreign Affairs Minister Dick Spring said that they would do everything they could to try to bring about an early renewal of the talks on the future of Northern Ireland .
25 We have told them about my alarm system , and they would do something if they heard it .
26 The Municipal Alliance does not believe in doles , and if their candidates were returned they would do their best to stop this out-going of public funds and try to see to it that schemes of relief were brought forward under the plans which the Minister of Labour had outlined .
27 Floy had said they would do their best , but Fenella and Caspar ought not to rely on it too much .
28 They came with a good suit on and they would go to work with a suit double breasted and then and they would work there and make a lot of money and when the next thing they would do they would hit into town and get all rigged out and then that was them from top to bottom from their hat right to their feet and then they were hitting the road then .
29 Thank you everybody who said they would do them for next year .
30 Men , to her mind , were puppets to be manipulated ; if you were ‘ clever ’ , they would do what you wanted .
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