Example sentences of "they will [verb] is " in BNC.

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1 DESPITE Oberon 's joyful pact with Titania , ask any dance enthusiast to name a ballet based on a Shakespeare play and the chances are the one they 'll mention is Romeo and Juliet .
2 Now what they 'll do is they 'll have a look and then decide what to do .
3 Now , what the potential migrant will do , Harrison Todaro assumed , was to say , right what they 'll do is that they 'll , these migrants will mentally calculate the present value of receiving W A throughout their lifetime , right , and they 'll discount erm those wages by appropriate discount rate , reflecting the fact that a hundred pounds today is worth a lot more than a hundred pounds twenty years ' time or thirty years ' time .
4 I 've thought about next thing they 'll do is holograms next .
5 All they 'll do is put a local transfer erm , thing in .
6 But if it does n't hold , at the very end what they 'll do is break in on it ‘ and now the special report from Dan Rather in Baghdad , and then you see Dan Rather and when he 's done there 's a commercial and then it goes back to whatever they were doing on tape .
7 ‘ One thing they 'll think is really weird .
8 And they 'll say is it our , are our output rates sensible .
9 ‘ All they 'll know is that I am escorting a companion who is totally irresistible , and they 'll fall for you as I have . ’
10 eventually it 'll get more and more computer wise , its the same in the motor trade or any trade it all , if the machine goes wrong all they 'll have is a pack , just pull the pack out , put a new pack in and put it back
11 Have a nice weekend , keep on taking the pills yeah well you know what it 's like y'know there 'll be so many people dying for this to fail well they do n't know what 's going on but but all they 'll get is one call interception which says I ca n't get through I ca n't get through , or I 've tried this number and it does n't work and blah you know usual thing but right I must keep on taking the Buffalo Bills .
12 He says that the most they 'll get is 5 pence in the pound .
13 That 's all they 'll get is n't it ?
14 Obviously , they take time to adjust to being someone 's pet , but the love they will give is worth any effort put in .
15 Worry about how things are going or how they will end is detumescent .
16 No body established by the two parties will do anything outside the law to halt any sell out ; what they will do is to engineer situations and emotions that lead other people to break the law .
17 What they will do is give the GPs a role to play in allocating resources to the hospital services and will contribute nothing to the delivery of better VFM within the family practitioner services .
18 What they will do is leave an envelope for you in one of the lockers at the airport .
19 Yes erm , we 've actually linked with a firm of independent mortgage brokers erm so rather than being tied to a particular building society as most estate agents are erm what they will do is they 'll shop around and tell you which lenders are offering the best terms and particularly good schemes at any one time erm , it 's literally free information they simply phone you up and say get some idea of what your salary is and what your requirements are and then they 'll send through some information for you .
20 At a very early stage of growth , the embryos of a fish , a reptile and a mammal may be virtually indistinguishable , but their development proceeds in different directions and the class to which they will belong is defined as soon as they start to acquire more specialized features .
21 All they will see is the walking stick .
22 What they will see is light in the form of an installation by that past master of lux de luxe , Dan Flavin .
23 On the other hand , as Cynthia Page 's fascinating and delightful documentary revealed , if something is n't done PDQ , all they will have is a pile of marble rubble .
24 But what they will have is a small pension that will be preventing them getting State Benefits and they will be in the poverty trap .
25 It should be noted that what I have called a two-stage golden thread approach implies that human beings have some kind of control over what they will say is right .
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