Example sentences of "they at [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They 've bound to go for it are n't they at that age .
2 ‘ Who were they at that stage ? ’
3 If all else failed they at any rate ought to produce children .
4 Are they at any form of disadvantage when they come to university studying a science subject such as chemistry ?
5 ‘ By the way , ’ said Andrée , ‘ leaving that rosy future aside , where are they at this moment ? ’
6 It is n't a case of wanting them they 're such good knives you do n't get them at that price , too often right can we just have a look at the price of microwaves , while we 're here
7 I suppose that in a few countries like Nazi Germany in nineteen-thirty-six the erm the nation 's amateur champions were given a special backing because of the force of nationalism erm national focus of attention on them at that date , but it , it still was , they were amateurs still meeting on equal ground .
8 How did you get word to them at that day ?
9 The six sections of that car were allocated to twelve assorted actors and crew , most of them at that point reading , talking or fast asleep .
10 But the dreariness , the frightful struggle of life , the indifference of people , the troublesomeness of children — he did not want to be reminded of them at that moment .
11 I do n't know I mean er maybe these are minute but whether you should explore them at that moment in time I mean only experience will tell .
12 Cats feel vulnerable when they are defecating and do not like to have anyone near them at that time .
13 Did Louis IX really have a sound title to act as sovereign over them at that time ?
14 All stories were to be based on scientific and historical facts as we knew them at that time .
15 Would you have shared that view with them at that time ?
16 And then after when there was practically no erm commercial trade with them at that time .
17 This was telling them — trying to bolster their morale — that we were coming to their aid when it was virtually impossible for us to aid them at that time .
18 But we never touched them at that time .
19 You were getting all your orders from them at that time ?
20 There had been a kind of innocence about them at that stage , Rufus thought .
21 I had expected them at that stage to do the decent thing and wait for us to catch up but , smelling their first blood of the season , they continued in much the same fashion and eventually ran out 7–0 victors .
22 Teenage magazines often have stories about girls who fall in love with handsome , exciting young men who do n't care for them at all while ignoring the nice , but rather ordinary , boy-next-door who thinks the world of them .
23 Males have brightly striped fringes and flash them at each other when displaying during combat .
24 Wooing first John and then Richard , Philip succeeded in keeping them at each other 's throats , or at Henry 's coat-tails , for several more years .
25 The handlers thrust them at each other , withdrew them , thrust again .
26 They then began to play a game which involved tearing pieces off the aircraft and hurtling them at each other .
27 An especially clear example is in the fabliau Boivin de Provins , in which the hero , Boivin , having deluded a household of whores into providing him with a meal and a girl for free , and having set them at each other 's throats , goes off to tell the provost of the town the tale , who in turn spreads the tale around , producing much mirth and laughter .
28 I 'm sure they pick things up and throw them at each other .
29 We combine these by choosing just a few random points in them , say two or three , and copying from the first string up to the first point ; then copying from the second up to the second point ; then copying from the first again ; and so on , switching between them at each point .
30 Then take two cuts of the cards off the bottom of the pack and place them at each end before placing the rest in the middle .
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