Example sentences of "they have put [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And the joins they 've put on this wallpaper here they stand out
2 Varnish stain but erm In in this particular light now I can see where they 've put on thick blodges that run down .
3 We have had occasions where people have mis-dialled when they 've put on their diversion , and it 's gone to somewhere completely different , and the people at the other end can not understand why they 're getting phone calls for somebody who does n't work in their office .
4 Judging by the hard work they 've put into their music over the last three years , that success could just be round the corner .
5 Oh I think there 's no doubt about that and also their their their wages were low in the beginning you know and and their their their hard work that they 've put into it for the last you know I mean it had it I mean David Price says at the best of times is not easy to run a quarry you know you know and they they ha all work in a quarry so it had to be a cooperation and you know the management said you come up with us and and they were n't complaining actually about the wages it was quite good wages for .
6 " The material cost your aunt a pound a yard and you should see what they 've put in their place .
7 Er well it seems that that they 've put in a bid to er purchase the th the market place er and as Peter said quite rightly apparently wrapped in wi with it er I do n't know why but wrapped in with the the proposed deal is the er Pembroke Hall .
8 yes and they 've put in there and they 're about two foot apart
9 But , my dad told me , you know , they 've put in air conditioning .
10 They 've put in a ice rink , a very nice international standard Temple Cowley Pools and many other things , leisure centres and so on .
11 Not really , they 've put in their treaty that er Berlin is the capital of the United Germany , but that the seat of government will be chosen by the newly elected all-German parliament , which has got to be chosen early in December , and they could still say ‘ well we have the capital in Berlin , but the seat of the government will remain in Bonn , and up in Berlin the president will have his office and some meetings will take place , but the ministries and foreign embassies and so on , and all the traffic jams that go with that , can jolly well stay in Bonn ’ .
12 Well I went dow back down the Road cos there was a traffic jam and er I sort of went down oh sorry mate went down a road like which I thought was a good short cut , and they 've got a lot of these roads and they 've put like pavements across the end of them with bollards , and I went back and then there was a traffic jam and I got stuck because they were unloading a lorry so I 've been er basically pissed about .
13 and like you 've sort of got a yellow and a green , they 've put like an olive in that , an olive colour , but I have n't got colours that I can
14 well I expect if it was a church school they had to put in appearance odd times .
15 It had been worth every minute of the effort they had put into it .
16 He told me they had put into Puerto Gallegos to land seven Swedish engineers with spares for Volvo and Saab equipment and had seen an old wooden square-rigger lying at the Navy Yard quay .
17 And to think she had always poured scorn on her older sisters when they had put on such fluttering airs in front of a man .
18 Queensland captured the wickets of openers Michael Slater ( 69 ) and Steve Small ( 40 ) in the last hour after they had put on 119 .
19 The thoughts tumbled confusedly together as she drove back to the Hamiltons ' in the small car they had put at her disposal .
20 ‘ Characteristically they had put in an immense amount of work resulting in an immense amount of waste paper .
21 The researchers infected cells with both the plasmid and the virus , and relied on similarities between the vaccinia genes in the virus itself and those they had put in the plasmid to ensure that occasionally , the two would recombine .
22 Their day , however , had not been that good ; they had put in many hours of searching and had only made two finds of any note .
23 Pat Hanson , who led the successful Hall Garth team Vanessa Conning , Gail Hall , Mark Jackson , Tom Newbould and Keith Webber said they had put in a lot of hard work .
24 Investors can take out a combination Pep , allowing them to choose the balance they want between the two plans , though they have to put at least £500 in each one .
25 I have nothing but the highest admiration for the quality and devotion of the work they have put into the care of the plaintiff over the last six and a half years .
26 So they have put on a Christmas show that runs until the end of January , which while still being very different from anything else in the Midlands this Christmas , should entice a new audience into the theatre .
27 It is that same voyage of discovery that the organisers of The Jimi Hendrix Exhibition are hoping the public will experience through the 100 pieces of work they have put on show .
28 Both physics and English are , essentially , university subjects : I was also interested in the new tradition of the polytechnics and the emphasis they have put on applied knowledge and vocational degrees .
29 This resentment , this sense of injustice that they have put in more than their fair share of time , energy and guts , was the most frequently struck note .
30 Since moving in seven years ago they have put in new windows , new plumbing , sinks and lavatories .
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