Example sentences of "they look at the " in BNC.

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1 And the contact turned into an embrace without either of them looking at the other or talking , they just put their arms around each other .
2 Standing behind them looking at the steaming urn on the barrow , I felt worse than hungover ; it was a mixture of too little sleep , being hot and unwashed , completely unaware of what was going on , and worst , I was hungry .
3 A notice apologising for keeping visitors waiting and inviting them to look at the booklets adds the finishing touch .
4 Instead she pointed out what she thought was happening in the session and the need for all of them to look at the problems in a constructive way .
5 The holistic approach of phrenology taught them to look at the body-mind dichotomy and to think in terms of prevention rather than quick cures that were often spurious .
6 The allegation of the defence had to be met and properly dealt with , so the matter would be returned to the justices for them to look at the circumstances and come to a proper determination after they had heard further evidence .
7 This bids them to look at the common law ( i.e. the legal position ) before the Act , and the mischief that the statute was intended to remedy ; the Act is then to be construed in such a way as to suppress the mischief and advance the remedy .
8 PC Chris Eden said : ‘ It 's amazing how drivers ’ attitudes change when we ask them to look at the recording .
9 We took them look at the
10 ‘ Let them look at the fire , ’ he said .
11 The three of them looked at the dark-dressed figure of their brother , his head back , as he stared at the huge oil painting of highland cattle hanging on the broad stone wall of the fireplace , and he answered , ‘ I do n't know , Reggie .
12 Both of them looked at the stain on the carpet in silence .
13 Did n't they look at the real man ? ’
14 This fruitful distinction is possible because here as elsewhere Marx and Engels are not bound in their analysis simply by legal forms ; they look at the social system as a whole .
15 They look at the goods in the shiny , illuminated shop-windows , and wander in and out of the boutiques , but do not buy anything .
16 They look at the position at hand and figure out which end-pattern is appropriate to try for , which is ‘ nearest ’ , or easiest to get to .
17 They look at the newspaper front pages then back to the report .
18 They look at the two good pay days from rebel tours to South Africa and also my benefit with Middlesex in 1986 .
19 If you have players who are obsessed with mapping detail , they will have a very tough time inside the Castle , but in describing the outside of it , when their characters seem to see slight differences each time they look at the buildings , add the disorientating detail that the characters can not remember exactly what the Castle looked like at any time prior to the present moment .
20 So we er , schools can approach us as the Engineering Council and say , we 'd like some help , and quite obviously , they all want some help when they look at the actual syllabus of a design and technology itself !
21 People on television often behave as though they are interacting with us ; they look at the camera and address themselves to us , and though this seems to be a fiction , because we can not interrupt or contradict , still we can switch off or over , and TV programmes are influenced by viewers ' letters and ratings .
22 That 's , that 's , but , but actually if they look at the DOPACS times , for the people doing the work , the surveyors and the designers , they can do their work in two months which is spread out over a year .
23 And whether it 's nasty shouting arrogant Kenneth Clarke or lovely perfumed Virginia , they 're all the same underneath in terms of the way they look at the Health Service .
24 I suggest to those who talk of regional banding that they look at the protection that the banding system will offer to people living in London and the south-east .
25 They look at the social causes — economic , political and cultural — which affect fertility and choices about reproduction .
26 I 'm sure if people will perhaps they look at the church and think oh it 's out of touch but it is n't there are churches that are alive and have something very relevant to say today .
27 I see ( and Summerchild sees ) the young provincial historian becoming even more silent and preoccupied than Summerchild himself as they look at the worn carpets and unoccupied chairs .
28 What it basically means is that an extrovert tends to tends to have a wide area of interests but wo n't investigate them as much as perhaps that that deeply , and that includes friends as well , and that includes people around them and they look at the wideness rather than the depth .
29 Can I just finally say that the whole import of the orders is to ensure that they look at the criteria of authorisation , they are concerned with the authorisation of firms which take public deposits and investments and when that is brought into question , when there is evidence to suggest that those criteria are not being adequately med it must be right to impose a non costly duty on the auditors to bring that about , that is what these orders do tonight , I think they 're an extremely welcome addition to the stable of measures of regulation and they will improve materially depositor protection .
30 They look at the work and think ‘ I could never do that .
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