Example sentences of "they be not [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I take it that the proceedings so far are conjecture — that the two of them are not in fact gazing into each other 's eyes — that Serafin is not waiting for Summerchild to supply an answer to her question .
2 They must be made to understand that they are not above the law and that they are answerable to the people who elected them and whom they are supposed to represent .
3 When other meat is scarce they are not above eating carrion in an advanced state of decomposition , which suggests that their olfactory system is not particularly sensitive .
4 And they are not above using some sharp contemporary propaganda .
5 The difference applies regardless of what drug is being used , and it is still visible when they are not under the influence .
6 Nor is there any bar against seeing someone against whom you have made or are likely to make allegations of negligence , provided that you make this clear and the fact that they are not under any obligation to talk to you .
7 They are not without their own problems of course .
8 Time always mellows my impressions , if they are not at all strong . ’
9 ‘ Since then , our players have said they are not at all worried . ’
10 Women often feel that they are not at risk because they do not feel themselves to be associated with any of the so called ‘ high risk groups ’ and , although we are encouraged to have safer sex , AIDS does not really seem to be an issue for us .
11 But they are not at all the same , being invariably grouped into three — Polynesia , Melanesia and Micronesia — on the basis of complicated formulae relating to the race of the islanders , their languages and their geography .
12 He stood more in the classical Christian tradition , which insisted that self-knowledge and knowledge of God are intimately connected , but that they are not at all the same thing .
13 But , contrary to popular belief , they are not at all analogous to tape recorders .
14 Whilst these are perhaps the most complex analyses that need to be performed , they are not at present really interactive design programs ; they are simply used for the analysis of a specified configuration .
15 The " Big Book " of alcoholics Anonymous describes some unfortunate people as being " naturally incapable of grasping and developing a manner of living which demands rigorous honesty " and says that " they are not at fault ; they seem to have been born that way " .
16 The preceding sentence , " They are not at fault ; they " seem to have been born that way " is itself an honest acceptance that addictive disease is stronger in some people than in others and that the acceptance of defeat and the wish " to go to any lengths " to get into recovery is ultimately a personal decision for each sufferer and not something that can be imposed by anyone else .
17 Will my hon. Friend ensure that , in areas of Devon and Cornwall where unemployment reaches levels as high as those in similar areas of Scotland and Wales , similar benefits under the Industrial Development Act 1982 will be available , as they are not at present ?
18 They are not at the cutting edge of Harvard Business Review ( HBR ) type networking but they are I suspect typical of many organizations .
19 That is one of the options being considered , but presently they are not at the point where they can delegate projects .
20 Contact your ward councillor and try to interest him or her — even if they are not on the committee they may be able to influence the councillors who will take the decision .
21 They are not on my payroll .
22 If they are not on the goal-line five metres from the mark when the kick is taken and they then illegally prevent a try being scored the referee 's decision would be the award of a penalty try .
23 They are not on our agenda , at least not until they become such a common feature , shared by so many others , that they qualify as ‘ social phenomena ’ .
24 They are not on quick visits to world hotspots .
25 Dawyck Gardens could be an expensive taxi journey from Peebles as they are not on the back road to Innerleithen ; the Southern Upland Way is 212 miles long , not 202 ; Dunslair Heights can best be reached from Lee Pen by sticking to the ridge and taking a firebreak from the south ; and the suggested route from Byrness to Chew Green along Harden Edge saves no distance over the normal route outside the fence , while taking the walker one kilometre inside the MOD warning signs .
26 They are not on holiday on a beach .
27 They are not well off , but they are not on the breadline and it is to our credit that we have a structure that supports people when they are between jobs .
28 ( If they are not on the shelves , you can always request them on inter-library loan . )
29 They are not on the whole involved in direct teaching and , second , each of them has to have a separate viewpoint because the focus of the job is mainly outside that of any school .
30 Well quite obviously if you are going to curtail something like that , some of those who had been on the police authorities will now find that they are not on the police authority and therefore that causes understandable anxiety and therefore rumpus .
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