Example sentences of "they and [verb] their " in BNC.

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1 It would also appear that in some areas the rougher element ganged up against Boy Scout troops in the early years of the movement , throwing stones at them and mocking their uniform of floppy hats and silly short pants .
2 In ‘ Amongst Women ’ the women finally win through , break the father despite his best efforts to bully them and break their spirits .
3 He is not concerned like Western man with mechanistic explanations of how things happen ; he is concerned with why afflictions befall him , how to forestall them and remove their menace … .
4 Change management is principally concerned with people — their attitudes and skill levels , and how to communicate with them and overcome their resistance .
5 The ad people know that girls are watching and that they can attract them and form their ideas by making the girl associate their product with a particular image — so that when she is looking at a hair gel in a chemist 's , that will conjure up for her the image of the model used to advertise it , and make her want to look that way herself , and want to buy it .
6 And the people who run the shop are runners themselves and you can sort of go to them and ask their advice on all sorts of things
7 It existed to ‘ speak for artists and art organisations , to offer them advice , to argue for them and to champion their interests in the media and to government whenever and wherever the need may arise ’ .
8 Such " regular casuals " can remain " regular casuals " only if they are prepared to accept the schedules set for them and to take their free days when there are no events and their holidays during the off-season .
9 With our Masai translator and guide we lived with them and accepted their hospitality which was our biggest witness to them .
10 Gradually these courts decayed , partly owing to the jealousy of the Common Law Courts , which interfered with them and extended their own jurisdiction .
11 ‘ It will certainly release a lot of the pressure that has surrounded them and made their personal lives very difficult .
12 This is all of a piece with the way some men assume they may stare at women , stand close to them and invade their physical space by touching .
13 On November 24 , 1990 , Prakesh , Dharmowtee and Sonia ( below , l to r ) headed a march of over 500 people through Handsworth , Birmingham to demand that the Home Office remove the deportation orders against them and review their cases .
14 Gandhi himself claimed that his purpose in fasting was to take upon himself the burden of the workers ; he was identifying himself with them and sharing their despair , frustration and suffering .
15 They could either follow their husbands into battle , taking their children with them , or they could stay at home , unprotected and unsupported and wait for the pillaging Parliamentarians or the papist Royalists to capture them and confiscate their property .
16 Keeping the ‘ common people ’ of Romania down by always increasing the demands put upon them and diminishing their rewards was good policy as well as economically necessary if his ever-more ambitious plans were to be accomplished .
17 Now here 's a gang of Brits following them and picking their money up .
18 Approaching Wallowa Lake , he found the Nez Perce warriors mounted on an impregnable high bluff , and reported : ‘ Joseph could have fallen upon the settlers in detail , killing them and destroying their property …
19 The igloo idea was Leo 's : ‘ It was designed to put the trainees ’ skills to the test while at the same time motivating them and holding their interest . ’
20 The first is a moral one , that if chimpanzees are really like man they may have the same capacity to understand what is happening to them and imagine their futures , which would make laboratory studies , especially physiological interventions , unacceptable .
21 Examples do not define , they illustrate ; and they are illustrative only to those who are capable of grasping the general concept that underlies them and represents their " species-identity " .
22 It was this that led testators to value them and to confirm their wills in trust form .
23 ‘ And I know what they say about people who invite other people out to dinner and then spend the whole time trying to depress them and ruin their lives . ’
24 The Shah could then have denounced them and ordered their arrest and execution .
25 For village women in Punjab , Bengal or Gujerat , there is usually only one source of comfort in their new life — the presence of other women — to love them , caress them , sing songs with them and soothe their sorrows .
26 Phenolic precursors of the quinones that link amino-acid chains to form sclerotin are widely distributed , though some Apterygotes lack them and harden their cuticles by disulphide linkages ( Krishnan , 1969 ) .
27 A serjeant-at-arms wearing the royal livery stopped them and asked their business before allowing them through .
28 Take out all ye seeds , then weight them and take their weight in sugar .
29 ( d ) Action on receipt of reply Always inform clients of result of search ; if any material entry , confer with them and take their instructions before exchanging contracts .
30 Break themself from all those things that hold them and that captivate them and hold their interest .
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