Example sentences of "they be [noun pl] in " in BNC.

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1 Many of the publishers I have mentioned sell a wide range of social stationery ; not all of them are specialists in the fine art field .
2 They are cases in which only one type of disposition is involved , but it is then misdescribed as the other .
3 They are cases in which a promise was made which was intended to create legal relations and which , to the knowledge of the person making the promise , was going to be acted on by the person to whom it was made , and which was in fact so acted on .
4 They are communities in the sense that one has a sense of ‘ belonging ’ in them , and in the sense that Shetlanders belonging to each are said to be distinguishable by special characteristics in dialect or , less often ( and more humorously ) , by difference in mentality and general attitudes .
5 Warnings of eco-wars and the flight of hundreds of millions of refugees can not be dismissed as fantasies : they are probabilities in situations which become more and more apparent as the century nears its end .
6 Erm I would like to say a few words about the Fire and Rescue Service , er the Fire Cover Review Panel er which rests erm with couple of months before Christmas er it 's first meeting , received a report from the Chief Officer that in restructuring the Fire Service to get better use out of it to er spread the cuts could find savings of up to nine hundred thousand pounds in that process and they are friends in the Labour , Liberal Democrat groups have simply taken the good aspects of that the plus side of it and rejected the side what faces the side anyway .
7 Instead , attitudes are stances taken in matters of controversy : they are positions in arguments ( Billig , 1987a ; Billig , in press ) .
8 Against the cliff they are figures in a landscape painted in watercolour by some Victorian with grandiose ideas about nature and the sublime .
9 Most perching songbirds ( passerine birds ) have to hear their species ’ songs when they are chicks in order to produce normal songs as adults .
10 To that first question , there is the answer that necessarily they are spatio-temporal-things in space and time .
11 But they are problems in themselves .
12 In terms of Parry and Parry 's definition , they are professions in name only .
13 Most practitioners undertake reviews of procedures at some time or other , whether they are procedures in the commonly accepted sense of the term , ie low-level processes or activities with a set order of steps ( Collins Standard Reference Dictionary ) , or the total activities of an organisation that combine to achieve the purpose of the business as a whole .
14 All four were ideally qualified to check out the lie of the land as they are surveyors in the company 's Knightsbridge office .
15 That 's doubtless because originators Marshall Herskovitz and Edward Zwick are writing about themselves and their friends : like Michael Steadman , who is at the centre of this universe , they are Jews in their mid-thirties married to non-Jews and with young children .
16 But they are shepherds in the Andes .
17 I have been there nearly ten years now , and they are years in which I have grown to learn a good deal more about the power of the Holy Spirit , his gifts , his humbling and breaking , and the glorious way in which he takes and transforms congregations and lives from every conceivable background once opened to him .
18 It is not clear whether they are issues in which Marx was ever really involved ; if he had been , then it would seem likely that they would have played a more important role in his later work .
19 They are novels in which the main characters debate topical social and economic issues as well as fall in and out of love , marry and have children , pursue careers , make or lose their fortunes , and do all the other things that characters do in more conventional novels .
20 Bureaus may require larger budgets and a greater number of staff if they are intermediaries in the provision of in-kind transfers .
21 One moment the runners are mere abstract blurs , the next they are men in visible quest of their own mysterious frontiers .
22 On the other hand , they are employees in that they do not own the organisation for which they work , they are salaried agents , and they are subject to superior authority .
23 This court does not have jurisdiction to determine these appeals if they are appeals in a ‘ criminal cause or matter ’ within section 18(1) of the Supreme Court Act 1981 .
24 They are children in their love of pictures and music .
25 They are substitutes in the sense that they are highly liquid : they can be converted to money quickly , cheaply and with high , but varying , degrees of capital certainty .
26 Rather , they appear when the uses of power are matters of controversy , and they are weapons in the struggles of men to enjoy the benefits and escape the burdens of power .
27 It is not that they are facts in the absolute .
28 They are utterances in which saying the words and doing the action are the same thing : the function is created by the form .
29 Various studies have shown that the public evaluate the police in terms of the attitude the police show them when they are victims in need of police help ( for example , Jones 1983 ; Maguire 1982 ; Shapland 1982 ; Southgate and Ekblom 1984 ) .
30 You look at the jury sitting there politely attentive , like children on their best behaviour because they 're visitors in an alien country and do n't want to make fools of themselves or offend the natives .
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