Example sentences of "they be [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 However , most of them are argillaceous and have limited porosity and permeability .
2 They only occupy 2% of the total agricultural area however , and a large number of them are part-time or retirement farms and constitute no great economic problem whilst many , particularly in southern France , are quite intensive and may provide reasonable family incomes .
3 Most of them are illegal because two queens conflict .
4 So perhaps the first thing about that continuum is that none of them are right or wrong we all dis-represent the ways of behaving and it 's very much a personal choice which one will use at one stage .
5 Yet since this book abounds in generalisations I shall retain both the simple distinction between official and actual curriculum and the simple argument that the differences between them are wide and disturbing .
6 Most of them are school-based and can be used by small groups of teachers working under the supervision of a trained tutor .
7 Some of them are capable and sensible drivers , but as the records show there are those who not only put their own lives at risk , but that of others as well .
8 Only a proportion of them are successful and the rest must struggle as best they can to obtain mates .
9 More boys than girls die , most are teenagers under the age of 19 and many of them are inexperienced or first time abusers .
10 However , this is not due to white cats being stupid or careless mothers , but to the fact that a large proportion of them are deaf and are therefore unaware of the problems of their mewing offspring .
11 Some of them are automated and ask questions — such as name and address of person a letter is going to — and fill in the relevant sections — see
12 He instances the case of two schools of art , run by the Inner London Education Authority , one of which offers 67 per cent of its work as advanced further education and the other which offers 51 per cent ; both of them are regional and national centres providing courses at all levels ; they thus exemplify the ‘ seamless robe ’ of further education and facilitate student progression between different course levels .
13 Indicate which of them are essential and which are used only when required .
14 That shows that both the president 's National Party ( NP ) and the ANC intend to be prepared for the first non-racial elections for a constituent assembly ; it is also a clear sign that both of them are sure that they can convince the other parties that the path they have laid down is the one to follow .
15 By contrast , there are few monosyllabic female first names ( Ann , Joan , May ) and many of them are trisyllabic or more ( Katharine , Elizabeth , Amanda ) .
16 Such names will be distasteful to many older people , but perhaps their introduction is the prelude to recognition of other people 's potential value and , in common with other caricatured portrayals , some of them are amusing or even helpful .
17 A lot of them are concerned and confused with the many different types of rose , so we will begin by describing them and explaining the meaning of many of the names you will come across — that will help you choose wisely , and without regretful afterthoughts .
18 Some of them are American and a subset of them have this risible attitude that they can get away with just making loads of noise and , as long as the audience is in a similarly altered state of mind , no-one will be the wiser .
19 And even the woman in the examination the pianist she actually tells Tracey if some of them are bad or whatever .
20 This is because quite a lot of them are English and ca n't see the difference between Knoydart and Chipping Sudbury .
21 Half of them are Morton , half of them are English and the other half are Irish , so erm we have our own little family little battles as to who 's supporting who in football matches and stuff like that .
22 The more securely you can establish a base of reality before your comic events start their upwards spiral , the more willing will your readers be to accept happenings that on the face of them are unlikely and ridiculous .
23 I 'm afraid , some of them are alright but some of them are not .
24 All of them are avoidable and cost time and money .
25 Unfortunately , few of them are interested or want to stick to the dietary disciplines for long .
26 A clue may be found in the geology of those islands , for some of them are granitic and part of the Gondwanaland , which linked India and Africa when they were adjacent .
27 Children tend to believe that those adults around them are all-wise and all-powerful and it follows that whatever these adults say must be true .
28 Equally Sinn Fein can claim that talks which exclude them are undemocratic and useless .
29 Reserved offer combinations which prove irrelevant , for the opposing reasons that applications for them are abundant or virtually non-existent , are dispensed with .
30 Although the fees they receive are small , most of them are faithful and often long-serving .
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