Example sentences of "they [am/are] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ When the chief comes into court , the two of them are on nodding terms . ’
2 ‘ We always end up losing some of the group during the factory tour because they are off chatting to old friends . ’
3 We made it clear that in our views , the Western capitalist countries and their allies are not so much concerned over the ‘ liberation of Kuwait ’ as they are over maintaining their monopoly over the oil and money of the Arab Gulf countries .
4 Others including resistance to various diseases are inherited weakly , and the question is whether they are worth including in a breeding programme or not ?
5 They are worth bearing in mind as at least a partial explanation of some aspects of credit use , so as to avoid the risk of misinterpreting those aspects as a purely a matter of individual consumer choice .
6 If you have extra cards , that is ones other than those in your basic pack , you 'll want to know how to decide if they are worth trying with tuck and slip , but first let's look at how you knit tuck and slip and how the fabric is actually formed .
7 Television may be much more popular than radio , but radio plays still deserve their place amongst the airwaves , and they are worth listening to .
8 However , rather than getting upset about this it spurs her on to try harder to show that they are worth watching .
9 They are worth seeking out , even though they are not spectacular unless observed with an adequate telescope .
10 Although they are rarer fossils , some of them are of such interest that they are worth mentioning here .
11 They are worth mentioning here only because they are interesting .
12 In so far as some of these considerations relate specifically to the environment of the unit , they are worth mentioning here .
13 This book seems to be based on the techniques I have long suspected some producers use to keep a discussion going for the full length of a programme whether there is anything in it or not , to keep up the emotional temperature even about unexciting things , and to emit statements which are just distorted enough to get people objecting , whether they are worth objecting to or not .
14 But they are worth looking at in that they give an understanding of royal taste in the 16 and 17C , and indeed their founder , Rudolf II , is considered to be one of the greatest European patrons of the arts ( see p. 9 ) .
15 None the less , they are worth considering , because they help us to understand both the origin and the artificiality of feudalism .
16 Those conditions would appear to be obvious but they are worth stating :
17 Peculiars are by definition uncommon but they are worth searching for and if present in a case would strongly favour any remedies showing that same symptom .
18 The drawbacks to class displays do exist , but they are not insurmountable if you decide that they are worth overcoming .
19 The Avent bottles for it are much more expensive than others , about £6 each , but I think they are worth having .
20 The flavour of these mushrooms is superb and , although they are expensive , they are worth treating yourself to for a special occasion .
21 They are about recognising the reality of the problem and taking all reasonable steps to ensure that the well-being of both staff and clients is not unnecessarily put at risk in having to deal with such situations .
22 Meals are not just about eating , they are about talking and not wishing to hurry into another room for coffee .
23 All shades of opinion are generally represented — some well beyond the pale , others so ‘ colourful ’ that they are beyond inflicting on the magazine 's readers .
24 They are considering setting up an organisation called Eumetsat to plan three new satellites that will cost £250 million over eight years .
25 Meanwhile the family 's solicitor says they are considering seeking compensation from Boots .
26 Lewis 's family lawyer says they are considering suing for compensation .
27 They often think it might demonstrate to their parents how dissatisfied they are without having to talk about it and explain .
28 Homelessness has been on the increase for a long time and Government initiatives , based as they are on encouraging the private sector to fill the gap left by local authorities , have been essentially piecemeal and fragmentary .
29 Richards , a 33-year-old Highgate estate agent , faces the former All Black captain in a Hertfordshire field where mighty Northampton know they are on hiding to nothing .
30 However , all of the developments under way — involving both capital and revenue expenditure — share three particular characteristics : they are evolutionary , they are on going and they are incomplete .
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