Example sentences of "they [Wh det] [vb mod] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Opportunities have become available to them which would have been impossible in hospital .
2 He also had an unerring instinct , when faced with awkward legal problems , of finding solutions to them which would work in practice .
3 The letters said that the payments were made without prejudice to any right to recover them which might arise as a result of legal proceedings .
4 Pupils ' general knowledge about sizes of units and the relationships among them which could assist them to get a " feel " for numbers and help them decide whether measurements were reasonable , was lacking .
5 Similarly , ‘ thank you ’ requires a response from them which can range from the cheerful to the stony silence .
6 However , other mammals are strongly attracted by them which will make it difficult for the perfume manufacturers , who have extracted and patented human copulins , to market them successfully .
7 Since we can never investigate all protons , any general statement about them whatsoever must depend upon a principle of this sort .
8 Listen to the words of Abraham to the rich man who died ‘ between us and you there is a great gulf fixed : so that they which would pass from hence to you can not ; neither can they pass to us that would come from thence . ’
9 The centurion … commanded that they which could swim should cast themselves first into the sea and get to land .
10 I just talked to the lads and told them what would happen . ’
11 Well there were them what could get 'em .
12 what , but , it 's about the Co-Op , I went to the Co-Op in me dream , nothing but have on , and I was getting some of them what must have been a monthly thing
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