Example sentences of "they [was/were] [det] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They were all on runners and could be manoeuvred the length of the room .
2 They were all on edge , sometimes starting at nothing and again , lying down in any patch of long grass that offered .
3 They were all on the first floor Mark .
4 They were all on the market at Mansfield .
5 Chaps had been called up into the army , nearly all of them that worked with us , they were all on army reserve .
6 It is true that there were one or two errors ; but they were all on level ground and cost little to rectify .
7 The sixty-fifth floor rose and soon they were all on the sixty-sixth .
8 They were all on their feet now and running from the kitchen , the two women following Frank through the garden , through the woodland and so into the house .
9 At three thirty , a Lieutenant Harvey joined them behind the trenches , by which time they were all on full battle alert .
10 The availability of similar speeds across the network could make the future remote facilities as intuitive and supportive as if they were all on the user 's desktop .
11 and then I come back and then I went to see them again and they were all on a great big table as though they were celebrating a party and Joyce said er
12 He could never wash a cup up because they were all on the draining board .
13 They were all in they were all on the side !
14 I know some of the last lot , they were all on one thing .
15 There were still celebrated Marxist historians , such as E. P. Thompson , Eric Hobsbawm , Christopher Hill , and John Saville , but they were all at the veteran stage , and there appeared to be no significant youthful successors , as their creed withered throughout eastern Europe .
16 They were all at breakfast and lunch . ’
17 After a countdown from Jeff Banks , thousands of visitors rushed into the hall — it felt as though they were ALL at our stand !
18 They were all at the Falcon Gate , banners and placards , with the Transport and General Workers Union convenors haranguing them over loudspeakers .
19 She had a row with a young man named Nick Owens when they were all at the caelidhe one evening and he told her that he wanted her to be his girl and not go out with anyone else .
20 Only a handful of people were in the pub and they were all at the other end .
21 In Friedmann 's models , the galaxies are all moving directly away from each other-so it is not surprising that at some time in the past they were all at the same place .
22 They were all at it !
23 They were all at sea as Neil Matthews took aim and fired in number 2 .
24 Perhaps they were all at this well-attended W.I. meeting , where not only hats , but coats and fur stoles seems to have been the thing .
25 they were all at home all day I was
26 A man who grew 1,659 cannabis plants said he was a ‘ heavy smoker ’ and claimed that they were all for his own use .
27 They were all for stealing from shops .
28 But they were all for certain things and I , I , I remember one er was for anybody who stuttered .
29 There was nothing , of course , for Scotland in the way of capital projects ; they were all for the south-east , such as the Heathrow and the Channel Tunnel links .
30 They were all for nationalization , because they believed that nationalization was the only way to solve the problems of the development the future development of the railways .
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