Example sentences of "they [was/were] [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They were steam engines using coal power to drive factory machinery , and blast furnaces using coke to make large quantities of iron .
2 The matey use of Blanche 's name struck a false note with Dexter , like interviewees he had seen on chat shows who kept tossing in the name of the host every thirty seconds to make it appear they were bosom pals .
3 They were , they were calf length ones .
4 All the patients who were entered into this study were patients with multiple P T A , P T one , erm N X , M naught tumours , then I must stress that they were problem patients .
5 They were corn shops , which is what this was .
6 Think how irritated you would be if you began reading a story with the opening sentence ‘ They were cooking apples . ’
7 They told her they were council workers who 'd come to fix her doors .
8 We used to have fogs in Darrowby , but they were country fogs , different from this .
9 They were country gentlemen , and very fond of hunting and shooting .
10 They were country people in a sense that Melanie was not , although she had just come from the green fields and they might have lived in London all their lives .
11 They were country people .
12 He spent the black hours best in the writing of hopelessly happy propositions to her that he kept for comfort in a drawer , as if they were love letters received from her instead of dead ones from himself that he saw no good in posting .
13 The old man said they were love songs he had written when young , but they seemed to be by Robert Burns as far as Nigel could remember .
14 They were art students at the time when art college was the bolthole for all the drug-deranged bongo bashers , paint flingers , crappy experimental film-makers and fanny dancers who thought being a student was a great doss but they were f—ed if they were going to read any books .
15 It was in the winter time so it was full of hay but they would be very careful and we would ask them that they had no matches in case er there was no cigarettes much and that but pipes they were pipe smokers .
16 They were glen folk yes .
17 They were glen folks ?
18 No we did n't buy tyres , no they were tyre mileage rates and erm mileage was the , tyres were paid for on the mileage run .
19 But , now with Stamford you can feel that they were Litchet way , I think .
20 Thousands wounded you know , you could n't get you into these into er huts , they were army huts you know er and taking them in er out in rain and er best best you could .
21 They were Deputy Lieutenants , High Sheriffs and joint lords of the manor .
22 His tone of voice objective , dispassionate , as if they were kitchen implements or gardening devices .
23 Except I mean , if anybody thought they were oak cokin th coffin that would have to come from somewhere else .
24 Electrons behave " as if " they were midget tops .
25 Two Creole girls squeezed oranges in the bows while Baccy shouted at his crew as if they were galley slaves rather than a bunch of half-drunk amateurs trying to have Sunday fun .
26 It was difficult to see what she was offering at first but as I took them from her I saw they were credit cards , an Access and a Visa , both made out in the name of Mrs J. A. Scamp .
27 The Egyptian and the classical worlds knew demons , forces of darkness , but they were bit players compared to Antony 's Devil .
28 I doubted not that they were law officers , but did not linger for a second look , being already at the casement windows into the side garden .
29 They were story-book pictures .
30 Their direct-action tactics did not aim at involving large numbers of people in militant action ; they were propaganda stunts designed to attract an audience .
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