Example sentences of "they [was/were] [prep] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They were on on the boats too .
2 Everyone thought they were worth at least £150,000 .
3 Elizabeth Addams lived next door , Thomas Addams was still at work in his smith 's shop , Thomas Burge had taken over as the Bristol carrier , and the Clement family were producing cloth for all they were worth in workshops at the end of the street .
4 They were by no means alone in this practice . )
5 The discrepancy between the large number of Party members and the Party 's poor performance at the polls indicates clearly that while Danzigers were prepared to take advantage of it as a social refuge , they were by no means as convinced by it as Forster and Hitler desired .
6 Fairs were held regularly with the markets but they were by no means profitable .
7 These gave them some confidence that they were indeed seeing neutrons from fusion , but they were by no means definitive .
8 Counterfeiting fragments of old works was tempting because they were easier to sell , though they were by no means easy to produce .
9 In themselves they were by no means new — they were indeed centuries old — but they constituted a direct challenge to the rather abstract and clear-cut penal theory which was much subscribed to on both sides of the Atlantic , and to this extent also reflected something of the atmosphere of the new age .
10 Although the trilobites were so successful , they were by no means the only armoured creatures to develop from the segmented worms .
11 While the majority of us , if not all , probably have hypnagogic experiences of the sort reported by McKellar , they were by no means typical of Foulkes 's and Vogel 's drowsy subjects , and must represent the more memorable events in most people 's half-sleeps , rather than the most common .
12 It may be that in attempting to start team teaching without the experience of preliminary resource-based and other approaches and without a great deal of shared discussion and curriculum planning some schools have plunged their staffs into an experience for which they were by no means ready .
13 Midden privies were large uncovered receptacles sunk below ground level , but they were by no means watertight and often served two , four or more houses .
14 In principle , they were by no means impregnable , but the Republican Field Commander , Colonel Vicente Rojo , had concentrated as many as possible of his human and material resources on the city 's western flank , and his troops had the advantage of a commanding position overlooking the river valley and familiarity with the urban terrain .
15 ( Hewitt 1989 : 138 ) But he goes on to say : while such Creole influences may have been more evident and highly focused ( Le Page 1975 ) in the speech of black youngsters , they were by no means restricted to black speakers but were to varying degrees evident also in the speech of white and ethnic minority youth other than Afro-Caribbean from the same localities .
16 But in the state they were in at present , both physically aroused , she trusted neither Luke nor herself should she prolong their presence here alone together in the tempting privacy of this suite .
17 Certainly one thing is noticeable Leicester have n't er quite dropped back into the gear they were in in the first half Ron have they ?
18 The communists had never been in a better position than they were in in , in nineteen forty eight , the civil war was , was clearly going in their favour erm they were to achieve power within eighteen months and at precisely the point where they had everything going for them , they are adopting the most moderate policy .
19 Principally there were at that time other interested parties in the premises er and also erm Mr saw it as essential er that er they were in and running the business er well before the time of the Christmas trade which was rapidly approaching then , then it being late August and er he wanted to make sure that they were in in in time for them to be able to take advantage of those bookings that they anticipated .
20 Knowing what they were like for drink I tried to tell him but he would n't listen .
21 But if they were strange times for us , I can hardly imagine what they were like for my mother .
22 What they were like towards you ?
23 yeah , yeah , I did n't know what they were like at seventy two it just said on window on one of them shops on Baldwin Lane
24 He interviewed , one by one , some of the other names put forward by Fisher , to see what they were like in comparison with Ramsey whom he knew already .
25 ‘ Mebbe that 's what they were after in the first place .
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