Example sentences of "they [to-vb] i [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If I 'm going anywhere where I want them to see me as a ‘ teacher ’ you know with all that that implies , then I 'll wear my wedding ring .
2 For a moment I thought he was going to get back to the DIY metaphor and start to try to get them to see me as undercoat or Jesus Christ as primer , but , instead , he recovered himself enough to say , ‘ Great News ! ’
3 I ask them to forgive me for not taking interventions .
4 It had taken two of them to free me from the current and I was so relieved .
5 ‘ I told them to leave me in peace , ’ he said harshly .
6 Rather more than 20 years ago , over a lunch in Staff House , I was persuaded by three eminent lecturers of this University to allow them to nominate me for the Council of Consumers ' Association .
7 Ask them to send me in some coffee . ’
8 I do n't mind Come Up and See Me being released ; God willing it will go high enough for them to invite me on Top Of The Pops !
9 I had no relatives left behind for them to blackmail me into silence-that had been the biggest obstacle .
10 I need them to get me through my exams .
11 By itself it does n't prove a thing , but it 's my way of getting them to take me to Strathspeld for the funeral ; I can look McDunn in the eye and tell him the truth and he knows it 's the truth and he 'll take me .
12 And a Liverpool painter 's son , who after his father died ‘ was brought up with me grandmother ’ , calling her ‘ mother ’ , chose not to return to his real mother when she remarried and could offer him a home again : ‘ They 'd brought me up , and it would n't be fair for them to take me after from rearing me . ’
13 Later in the evening when the place had quietened a little and the cyclists had eaten , I invited them to join me for a glass of wine .
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