Example sentences of "they [vb mod] be seen " in BNC.

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1 HP-style credit is really money lent to buy things — and credit agreements which left the lenders any rights to take possession of things bought under them should be seen as if those things had been bought on mortgage ( ‘ chattel mortgages ’ ) ;
2 The only reliable way to see them was to pass in front of the building and turn left into the road to the cemetery : from that side some of them could be seen craning out of the windows and waving .
3 Sometimes the two of them could be seen muttering together in the playground .
4 The young hedgehogs are reared by their mothers , and at about four weeks of age they may be seen foraging with her in the darkness .
5 They may be seen as steps in the transition from the Family Practitioner Services being purely ‘ administered ’ services to being an actively managed service .
6 They may be seen through 13 March and there is a catalogue with colour reproductions and an essay by Maurice Poirier .
7 They adamantly believed that ‘ at that time it was not done to ‘ ’ poach' ’ settled executives in any direct or overt way' ; but they may be seen as the precursors of headhunting in Britain , in so far as they acted as consultants in executive selection and advertising , within a general management consultancy practice .
8 They may be seen as lacking basic training which can be rectified by the intervention of psychiatrists , psychologists , social workers , probation workers or other similar welfare professionals .
9 Differentiation refers to the positivist assumption that there is something ( preferably measurably ) different about criminals ; they may be seen as differing from non-criminals in terms of their biological or psychological make-up , or in terms of their values , again according to the academic origins of the criminologist concerned .
10 This does not necessarily imply acceptance of these images since they may be seen as unacceptable in their own right .
11 They may be seen as evidence of the insidious creep of sport climbing ethics into the mountains , but used sparingly they eliminate an unwanted and unnecessary risk and cause less visual intrusion .
12 They may be seen as obstructive when restraining rival groups of fans , but the venom and anger characteristic of , for instance , thwarted political demonstrators , is noticeably absent at most football matches .
13 In fact they may be seen as at the root of practically all marital and sexual dissonance .
14 They may be seen as clauses of allographs , as phonemes can be seen as classes of allophones .
15 Alternatively , they may be seen as relating to foreign investments which should be translated at the year-end ( the closing rate method ) .
16 In addition , dense infiltration of the lung by eosinophils occurs , and where these accumulate in the small bronchi in large numbers , they may be seen as greenish plugs at necropsy .
17 Because on the stage they acquire importance , they must be seen to have a proper purpose .
18 Such previously unimaginable impertinences must not only be done by the book : they must be seen to be too .
19 Abroad they must be seen as great statesmen anxious to build peacemaking bridges between East and West .
20 Thus , to retain their value , they must be seen not as rigid dogma , but as sufficiently flexible to accommodate a changing social scene .
21 Many were seeking to get out while they could , so many indeed that Ramsay feared that they must be seen by the blockading English ships lying off , for the July night was less dark than he could have wished .
22 And to fulfil this role they must be seen as independent of the society they help to constitute .
23 They must be seen not as social groups constituted by individuals , but as positions constituted by the conflicting interests which are an integral part of a particular mode of production .
24 Rather , they must be seen as sets of roles which , as soon as they exist , exploit one another and are thus engaged in the class struggle .
25 Once given those powers they must be seen to exercise them , and to exercise them impartially rather than idiosyncratically .
26 They must be seen in perspective .
27 They must be seen by us not only as a new type of settlement but as places with individual characters and their own idiosyncrasies .
28 They must be seen as inventing new rules for the future in accordance with their convictions about what is best for society as a whole , freed from any supposed rights flowing from consistency , but presenting these for unknown reasons in the false uniform of rules dug out of the past .
29 Given Rodin 's collaboration with his photographers , these old photographs go far in answering the question from which points of view and from what distances they should be seen .
30 They should be seen not as ‘ fringe healing ’ but as ‘ complementary medicine ’
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