Example sentences of "they [vb mod] [verb] back " in BNC.

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1 The idea was that a group of them should take back the second of the Shahs planes to Teheran , contact those military commanders known to be most loyal to the Shah and convince them to hijack Khomeinis plane when , as the assumed he would , he flew back to Teheran from Paris .
2 I had suggested in the note that , as it was then three-fifteen , rather than their breaking camp , one of them should drive back and take me to where they were for the night and back to the village next morning .
3 Even then the older amongst them could look back to the early 1790s when debate about , and the practice of , abstention from slave-grown colonial sugar was claimed by Clarkson to have drawn in about 300,000 families .
4 A resumé by Secretary General Ian Martin of the momentous world events that have occurred during the past five years set the work of AI in context and also set the scene for the working parties , which between them would report back to the plenary with recommendations that would change the AI mandate dramatically .
5 I knew the people from the ship — the crew used to go out at night-time and some of them would come back merry .
6 Glanville Jones thinks that they may go back to pre-Roman times in many cases ; June Sheppard has shown that the estate at Marden in Herefordshire , which has Roman settlements , a Saxon palace site , and a ninth-century minster on the site of the initial burial of St Ethelbert , was almost certainly the estate attached to Sutton Walls , the pre-Roman hillfort in the area which was reoccupied in post-Roman times ( Fig. 77 ) .
7 And apparently a colleague of mine gave a paper this morning saying that Kent was vulnerable to earthquakes erm even though earthquakes have not been recorded or at least not substantial ones in this country for perhaps two , three hundred years erm there is a history of earthquakes in , particularly in the sort of Colchester , Essex , Kent region , and erm the erm the historians and the pundits tell us that erm they may come back again so perhaps we ought to reinforce our buildings now .
8 They ought to go back where they belong . ’
9 In fact you might say that they ought to start back at the beginning and study politics and war because , looking at the world today , maybe there are a lot more useful things to study than art and architecture .
10 From the borders of the Land of Promise they must go back almost to where they came from .
11 Others , however , feel very strongly that they must go back and discover the original cause — and , if that is how they feel , I will always go along with their wishes .
12 There was a pause while Sara collected herself , and then she said they must go back and do the accounts .
13 They seemed to stretch back for a very long way and Nuadu , narrowing his eyes , trying to find his bearings , thought that they must go back and back into the hillside behind the road and deep within the earth .
14 I do n't quite trust anyone with that job , and they must go back into their box .
15 They must go back to the drawing board and review the whole of youth training .
16 Council workers have staged a protest after being told they must go back to using a car park where one of their colleagues was murdered .
17 Therefore , if they , the unemployed , want help from the State they must pay back from that State with some form of work , because you ca n't have something for nothing , not in a capitalist market economy .
18 Either they must draw back from the spotlight and forfeit their privileges or pick their partners based on purely practical criteria .
19 The return system , we , we say to the girls they must come back but they 're to be incorporated within the round .
20 The formal procedure is that they should go back through Odessa ( which I understand means great hardship ) .
21 Women of the Nineties have been brainwashed into thinking that they should go back to work .
22 The night was still young and at this point David suggested that , as Carole had pushed off home , they should go back to his room at the Grand and watch television .
23 Some say they should bring back hanging ; others say it is the politicians they should hang ; but most say there is nothing anybody can do at all .
24 Yeah , miles better , for the good of the country they 're not good for you , women should n't have the vote you know women should n't get the vote , I think they should bring back , bring back just men having vote , women do n't get a say as far as I 'm concerned that 's a good idea do n't you think ?
25 Now how do you think they should pay back the time wasted ?
26 Clear ground rules should be established so that those to whom authority is delegated appreciate the extent of their power and the situations and stages at which they should report back .
27 Erm I 've got a note , or I had a note to write to the admin at the university and I have done , erm saying that Derek 's been approaching people , apologising for not writing beforehand and saying that Derek 's been approaching people and if they 've got a problem they should write back P D Q.
28 and they 'll talk back to you about what your best options are and and do a s a sort of interview .
29 They 've pointed out that there 's no guarantee they 'll talk back . ’
30 They 'll stand back , oh , you know , the laid-back type , oh does it really matter .
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