Example sentences of "they [vb mod] [verb] out " in BNC.

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1 He acknowledges the ‘ Humean predicament ’ ; both induction and the hypothetico-deductive method are fallible , so that any of the beliefs which result from them could turn out to be in error .
2 Some were tearing at the glass , others struggling with the doors , but none of them could get out .
3 ‘ I would also like to dispute the suggestion that these gates are opened in emergencies , as the grass growing under them would bear out . ’
4 None of them would look out of place in the local supermarket or disco .
5 Then suddenly one of them would call out ‘ Aye , aye , lads … here 's the cops ’ and they 'd all move .
6 Sometimes one of them would call out , softly , and then they 'd all listen .
7 A couple say they may move out of their house just two weeks after moving in because they 've become the target of thieves .
8 In these cases it can be useful to know whether the interpreters are instructed to stay in role at all times or whether they may step out of role .
9 They may give out scents of citrus , mint , pine or rose , and most make wonderful patio plants .
10 ‘ There 's a garage on your right so look for exhaust fumes — someone 's about to move , they may pull out without looking .
11 They may start out their adult life living alone , spend some of their middle years living alone , or end their days living alone .
12 They may come out with oddities , and again we may judge this negatively or positively .
13 They may lose out on some limited upside but will also avoid exposure to the considerable risk of the US negotiations breaking down .
14 For example , some women in a financial position to stop work and start a family are loath to give up their careers for a period , knowing they may lose out in the long term .
15 If cornered , they may thrust out their limbs in a fully stretched posture , flatten their bodies and then hold this rigid , spread-eagled pose until danger has passed .
16 Granted , too , they may point out that the bombers of Hiroshima , Nagasaki and Dresden blew to oblivion hospitals by the score in fireballs along with everything else .
17 Flat fields need to be larger as they may turn out to have slight downhill slopes .
18 They may turn out to be Of equal value to those who do .
19 But the feminist study of sex differences in language must also , of course , pay attention to the empirical facts , whatever they may turn out to be .
20 Ca n't explain now , but they may turn out to be important .
21 They ought to hand out gear instead of ice cream to the kids ’
22 I said to Bet I said they ought to write out a cheque on the end .
23 They must walk out through the camp gate and cross the road and the railway line and then the file will enter the compound of the Factory .
24 Where the board or the adviser are unable to form a view on or recommend the offer they must set out fully the arguments for and against .
25 When they arrived in Brides Haven Rachel Pritchard welcomed Leonora with a cup of hot , strong tea , but Bryn soon cut across his wife 's chatter , pointing out that they must set out at once if he was to make the return trip before dark .
26 Among the speakers who had convinced the Bosnian Serbs that they must hold out against the world was a guest of honour , a painter called Milic Od Macve .
27 He made it clear that they must carry out orders ‘ exactly ’ .
28 In preparing this report they must carry out such investigations as will enable them to form an opinion on ( a ) whether proper accounting records have been kept by the company and whether proper returns adequate for their audit have been received from branches which they have not visited and ( b ) whether the company 's individual accounts are in agreement with the accounting records and returns .
29 On opening the door the heat penetrated the heavy black coats but they managed to withstand it , knowing they must carry out their job .
30 A family who moved into a derelict house thirty years ago have been told they must move out so it can be demolished .
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