Example sentences of "they [subord] it come " in BNC.

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1 Mr was well aware because he 'd been told by the plaintiffs solicitors that the plaintiffs received terms for cover or to obtain interest on their costs , the plaintiffs solicitors wrote specifically to Mr enquiring was his offer in , in the sum of forty two thousand pounds , that 's er the possible agreed settlement figure for costs , er if it was inclusive or exclusive of interest erm there were some delay but er Mr wrote back in due course making clear that interest was n't included , I should also say that in Mr er proposed bill of costs he had disallowed interest for a fairly short period in respect of both the plaintiffs bill of costs and the defendants bill of costs and the plaintiffs solicitors do n't appear to have erm taken any point on that , but as I say it , the point as to interest was specifically raised by the plaintiffs solicitors letter and er I 'm quite satisfied on the correspondence that they when it came to the matter were seen , were desires of obtaining interest in respect of their costs .
2 Having started along the path of gas-cooled reactors , the nuclear industry stuck with them when it came to looking for an improved model .
3 Those candidates stood to draw attention to the fact that Northern Ireland residents can not vote for or join a party which will govern them when it comes to power .
4 But you could toss a coin between them when it comes to judging the difference . ’
5 The majority of men say that sex makes no difference to them when it comes to choosing a doctor , surgeon , lawyer , MP or boss .
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