Example sentences of "they [vb base] some [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A large number of boys , particularly at the foreclosure stage , are initially attracted to science but there is a drift away throughout later adolescence as they undergo some crisis .
2 Somebody actually writing in , as somebody did yesterday , because they want to deliver erm some w some elderly ladies want to deliver some goods into an area wh where tr traffic restrictions exist , and they want some help so that they can actually park their car whilst they unload .
3 They want some bread do n't they ?
4 They want some kind of ‘ market ’ solution — by which they usually mean spreading losses around to other , unaffected names .
5 Someone says something particularly stupid in a shop , or you wait half an hour in the British Rail canteen because someone ca n't decide whether they want some fruitcake or not .
6 But if they do n't , if they break it or that then er they expect some trouble .
7 Misoprostol or H 2 receptor antagonists may represent an alternative approach as , when used in combination with NSAIDs , they provide some protection against gastric and duodenal damage .
8 Just as conjectures will be considered bold or otherwise by reference to the relevant background knowledge , so predictions will be judged novel if they involve some phenomenon that does not figure in , or is perhaps explicitly ruled out by , the background knowledge of the time .
9 They say some man has given me a disease .
10 More than three-quarters of those who are currently in post , even where they receive some remuneration , are amateurs in status , and in many cases in training as well , The extent and quality of their musical education is therefore extremely varied .
11 ‘ People are often complaining about the council but I think this time they deserve some praise . ’
12 7 They put some emphasis on consumer choice .
13 , but erm , and I notice that quite often the shelves would be half empty , came here , I would stop on the way back from the school the bank and the butcher 's and the paper shop over the road I could come in quarter to nine and I 'm , you know , I , I was done and I said to my Arnold they 're not going to sell much unless they put some money into filling the shelves surely Spa will back them , and he said I keep on telling them that I keep on saying to them if you do n't put the goods there on display people are going to go over the road to Lipton 's and and
14 Everybody has situations that they are inclined to avoid because they provoke some anxiety .
15 But on top of that if we make less than 22 , say 20 or 21 , they cut some money from our basic pay …
16 Later they acquire some idea of her motives and of their own .
17 So they acquire some freedom of choice as to the how , when and where of using the anger of which they have command .
18 In this course they acquire some understanding of computing ‘ jargon ’ , and experience using packages such as wordprocessors , spreadsheets , databases and graphics .
19 Nevertheless , studies about job losses are useful to the extent that they give some flavour of the rate of change associated with the new technology , and they are helpful for any social and economic planning to cope with these changes .
20 They give some impression of the life and environment of the wealthy and influential but cause one to forget , or overlook , the lives of the majority of people living at a lower level of survival — a majority that probably includes the makers of the art object .
21 In fact , neither do accruals accounts necessarily , but at least they give some indication that capital has been affected .
22 These are worthy of repetition to the extent that they give some indication of the prevailing mood of practitioners .
23 ‘ Other financial reporting work ’ is not defined by the ICAEW but they give some guidance by stating that other financial reporting assignments include assignments requiring a professional opinion or a reporting assignment where a document has been prepared in contemplation that a third party may rely on it .
24 There are plenty of folk remedies for improving sleep , and maxims , adages and proverbs concerning sleep , and they give some insight into received views .
25 As long as they get some exposure to written language , most learners will acquire at least a modicum of literacy .
26 They get some man to do it at the moment .
27 How much longer before they get some sense into them ?
28 Most teacher-training programmes include provision for trainees to sit in with other teachers so that they get some experience of the environment they will work in .
29 What they normally do is they get some paper , they light it , they 'll drop it , and it falls straight into the rubbish chute underneath .
30 They feed some material through the printer .
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