Example sentences of "they [vb base] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I think the book said a lot of them want to do it . ’
2 ‘ They must be on some bonus for the FA Cup semi final — none of them want to miss it !
3 Fortunately , the vast majority of them seem to love it .
4 While some norms designed to secure proper management of police investigations are clearly desirable , the inevitable tensions that some of them produce make it all the more important to have some systematic verification of the truth value of the police case .
5 If you sent your work to a publisher and have not heard from them for two months , you should write to ask them whether or not they intend to publish it .
6 The successful outcome means that they intend to repeat it next year .
7 Under the act the holder of information has to disclose the type of information they hold , where they 've got it from , and who they intend to disclose it to .
8 Instead they intend privatising it . ’
9 ABC is committed to expanding its European division ; that is why they have acquired Name and is why they intend to expand it ;
10 Such learning should be reviewed , preferably by the educational supervisor ; doctors should describe what they have learnt and how they intend to apply it .
11 They know what they want and they intend to get it .
12 If girls deviate , they tend to do it in a way that causes far less disruption than boys , such as pretending to write when they are bored .
13 Even if they do , they tend to cordon it off from other feminist issues .
14 The cost of weapons often means they are in potentially short supply , all the more so because once commanders find that a weapon works , they want to use it for everything .
15 When we say when we say that that we stage door club is closed it closed in the place it 's not open every evening but we do actually let it out we let it out to companies and whatever conference or companies who want a facility or meeting place something we do actually market that and we do actually ask people if they want to use it and in fact it has been taken up there .
16 What so we 're leaving it to people to decide whether they want to use it ?
17 Well they want to move it they want to develop the area and er now they 're talking as well about taking the trees out from around there too which is really getting up people 's noses it would seem .
18 They want to stifle it well and truly .
19 We 've had a few people coming on and saying they want it to stay there or they want to leave it there but it 's the trees that 's really annoying people .
20 So I said , well , I have my thing here in Salzburg ; if they want to see it they must make the effort to come here .
21 I am talking about prisoners who do not want problems in serving their sentence ; they want to serve it in a civilised fashion , where that is possible in any prison regime .
22 they 've just changed all the if there 's any names on there like , they want use it ,
23 She says they want to spend it on recreation , holidays , books , equipment and special aids which will help them have a better life .
24 and they grassed it over for a children 's pre pre playground , now they want to turn it back , and extend the car park .
25 Their houses , the tall , crumbling tenements with their cracked roof tiles and their creaking balconies huddle together round the church as if they want to shoulder it out of the way .
26 They 've spent years doing this sort of thing , now they 've decided that they want to do it for a living .
27 A Scotland Yard spokesman said : ‘ If people are going out to drink , they want to do it when they are with friends .
28 They want to do it ? ’
29 Socially and psychologically women are brought up to care for relationships , to care for people , they want to do it well , where it goes wrong they tend to blame themselves , but equally we have eminent members of the judiciary who in the past have commented in some of the cases of severe assaults on women , the kind of er quote that you were making
30 Men are taught from their earliest days to value autonomy , the right to do what they want to do , when they want to do it .
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