Example sentences of "they [vb past] they [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 Then we had to then fiddle about and get the chain up with a big pole and heave that up and we always knew that if a dumb hopper come back and they 'd what we used to call they 'd lost a door , one of the doors used to break , used to be about I would say erm eight doors in the hold , separate doors and if one of them broke they 'd fiddle about with a big , what we would call a pole with a hook on trying to get hold of the chain and we 'd see that there pole sticking up out of the hold , we knew they lost a door so what they used to do they used to leave with the dredger and we 'd finish that off before we load it , had to .
2 The local constituency officers got new people and could plan how and when to use them — and later many of them decided they 'd like to go on working with their new friends .
3 Er they were banking on the fact that there 'd be problems for other countries because of , you know , public perception etcetera , you know the French had decided almost all of them decided they 'd have a nuclear programme anyway so , so , so they were er o okay .
4 In a typically devious climb-down they announced they would bombard the island in future on only the odd dates of the month , as though the rain of shells was a form of parking restriction .
5 When consulted on the alterations , the ladies considered that it was wiser to spend on greens and approaches but ‘ if on the clubhouse then for the caretaker ’ — i.e. a larger kitchen and scullery ’ , although they admitted they would like more basins and another w.c .
6 They realized they would be severely punished when the Germans learned that they had failed to do their duty .
7 The plan backfired when they realised they would need mountains of paper to earn just a few pence .
8 They realised they would have to race the tide .
9 They were rather taken aback when they realised they would be learning about the way the planning system operates !
10 ‘ Once they realised they could n't get any money they ran out of the shop and I think they got away in a car . ’
11 I said I would be delighted to join them if I could wake up in time ( which I doubted ) , I said not to wait for me , and they promised they would n't .
12 As they entered they could hear someone playing a cello .
13 Then , when I really insisted that they keep right on the centre line , they found they could do it if they tried hard .
14 They found they could switch on particular groups of atoms with a pulse of electricity and they stayed switched on for up to two days .
15 They found they could explain all the experimental data on neutral weak currents by assuming quantum mixing between the electromagnetic current and the neutral weak current .
16 But when they descended by special lift from the fifth , nomenklatura floor , they found they could traverse only one passage .
17 Well they found they could do it far better with a tractor and a mower .
18 So it 'd got this eggshell in the bottom and they used they would work a a mast a sail on it .
19 The number of women poets swelled through the century , not least because they learnt they could speak to one another in this way .
20 They believed they could win votes in Sunderland just as surely as in Mid-Sussex .
21 Either because those in power simply underestimated the potential for resistance or simply because they believed they could in the end over-ride such resistance , industrial companies in conjunction with waste disposal firms ( and often in collusion with state health regulatory agencies ) dumped indiscriminately and with disregard for human health and life . ’
22 Captain America and Billy the Kid had blown it when they believed they could make a lot of money and retire , but life was not simply about economics ; they had , according to Fonda , found their freedom but their liberty was like the statue in New York harbour , surrounded by polluted waters .
23 Personal computer makers are likely to face continued pressure to keep prices low for the foreseeable future , former Compaq Computer Corp chief Rod Canion told Reuter in an interview : ‘ Anybody that wants to be successful in the computer business better be prepared to be very aggressive and have a lot of aggressive competition — in that environment , you can predict pricing pressure is not going to ease up ; ’ Canion , now chairman of the Houston-based consulting firm Insource Management Group , says that in his time at Compaq , customers were willing to pay a little more to ensure they got quality and performance but that as the market changed , they believed they could get quality , performance and low price , and now , ‘ that will never change . ’
24 If they liked you they believed they could teach you to do anything and by God ! you 'd do , it as well as anyone .
25 Well there 's a physical limit to how much we could produce in a an eight hour shift and all the slate makers were adamant that the figures he reckoned they could produce and what they reckoned they could produce you know they were totally different .
26 And if they thought that she was going to invite Colin and Yvonne in for a drink when they arrived they would get a shock .
27 When they arrived they would briefly and passionately mate , for the first and only time , and from that fiery union new turtles would be born to carry a new pattern of worlds .
28 The information was collected after the attempt and it is not clear whether patients would have acted as they claimed they would but , taken at face value , the findings support the case for better health education and warning about the effects of drugs .
29 And they showed they will be far from easy meat for England in Saturday week 's Twickenham Test .
30 Last night they confirmed they will be offering only 619 seats to Tottenham fans for the final League game of the season at Old Trafford on May 2 .
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