Example sentences of "they [adv] to the " in BNC.

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1 Make the mix fairly dry and press it well down into the joints , filling them right to the top and finishing them flush .
2 Lower them slowly to the start position .
3 As of the end of June 1991 at least six of these statutes were undergoing the process of appeal which would almost certainly bring them eventually to the Supreme Court , where any of them could serve as the occasion for the reversal of the 1973 landmark abortion rights ruling , Roe v. Wade .
4 Functionally the nerve cells may be sensory ( afferent ) neurons , conveying impulses inwards from the sense organs ( p. 123 ff. ) , motor or efferent neurons , conveying them outwards to the effector organs , and association neurons ( interneurons ) that link the other two types .
5 Every clinic in the United Kingdom has to collect figures on the total attendance and the diagnoses and submit them quarterly to the Department of Health .
6 A different allocation of resources might also have produced growth , but diverting them merely to the home market would have substituted only on the assumption that resources were already being fully utilised there .
7 If they are knitting successfully I leave them alone ; if they do n't knit successfully I select them manually to the holding position ( with the holding levers set to knit ) to help them knit .
8 Two messengers take them to Paris and deliver them personally to the ambassador . ’
9 ‘ It 's a good thing you do n't know any secrets — you 'd give them away to the milkman ! ’ ’
10 Do n't just give them away to the adventurers if they do n't bother even to search this room ; they must make an effort to find these bizarre items and take an interest in finding out what they do .
11 She skips and twists among them , sniffing their hind-quarters , until at last she finds the two she seeks , her own young , and leads them away to the shade of a bush and there lets them suckle .
12 Years ago Constance 's mother had kept chickens at the bottom of the garden , and when they went off the lay one of her sons-in-law had strangled them and she had given them away to the neighbours , being unable to eat a bird she had known personally .
13 About the fishes who swallow human sins , and carry them away to the ocean .
14 I gave one of them away to the .
15 It was Freeth 's custom to write songs — setting his words to popular tunes — about remarkable events in local and national news , and to sing them nightly to the company assembled at his Coffee House .
16 They back-chatted Mr Griffith to such an extent that he reversed a penalty award to them close to the posts .
17 Looking to our right we recognised the Cottages with the road in front of them close to the ditch ; also our Professor 's stable , coach-house and dog kennels , with the back entrance from the road to his garden … we were soon in King 's Road [ Pancras Way ] which we found to be well studded with trees on each side … to our left the Country residence of Counsellor Agar [ builder of Agar 's Town ] … we turned to the right and first took notice of the front of our Professor 's house with its large garden protected from the pathway and road by a brick wall .
18 Judith blended it over the lids and showed Helen how to give the illusion of larger eyes by outlining them close to the lashes with a dark pencil ( see Beauty News for recommendations ) .
19 The Fanatics are the real weapon , the Mob is just a means of deploying them close to the enemy lines .
20 Reinforcing this quest for the extraordinary , which by definition should bring them quickly to the margins of deviance , is the fact … that one of the frequent rewards of achievement is an immunity to many of the sanctions that constrain and punish the less successful .
21 On a bitterly cold November day , Richard collected Joan and the small , pale , vulnerable bundle and brought them home to the boat .
22 When the hunt — which is conducted by setting grass fires and spearing the pigs as they flee — separates a sow from her litter , the hunters put the piglets in a bog and take them home to the women , who proceed to raise them as though they were children .
23 The gentlemen-aristocratic nature of angels with guns is defined by their elegant dress , which relates them directly to the ruling viceregal aristocracy .
24 FastPort allows you to move printers to convenient locations and connect them directly to the network .
25 My own preferred method of working is to lay the Oilbars out on a marble slab and apply them directly to the canvas , mixing colour into colour as the picture develops , using fingers and rags to extend or blend as required .
26 And indeed , surfacing again at South Kensington , some atavistic instinct for the lie of the land took them directly to the street in which Louise had had an office , fifteen years or so ago , and where two or three times a year they had met for a meal .
27 Soil pipes from downstairs WCs may be connected to the main soil stack of a single-stack system , but it is often better to connect them directly to the underground drains .
28 If their shells are near the Julies , then it might be politic to shuffle them gradually to the other end .
29 The date of the Withington and Newton St. Loe mosaics remains unclear , but , on stylistic grounds the author would assign them also to the fourth century ( pace Smith 1969 , 100 ) : they are probably slightly later than the above pavements ( section 4.3 ) but almost certainly are before 340 .
30 My hon. Friend the Member for Stroud ( Mr. Knapman ) understood all these points and put them clearly to the Opposition .
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