Example sentences of "they [modal v] [vb infin] he " in BNC.

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1 He does n't seem to be embarrassed by anything , except when you try to provoke him by telling him that surely he must thump his desk once in a while , or that although he says that a record company exists ‘ to guide your artists ’ most of them must hate him at some point .
2 If one knight became separated from the rest of his team he might find five or six opponents all bearing down on him at once , and one of them might strike him in the back .
3 The hovering clerk at Hussey 's back was watching them narrowly every moment , as though one of them might elude him when he came to gather them up again .
4 Neglect of them could throw him into a searing rage ; as when he discovered that a rest camp for troops out of the line had been placed within sound of the guns .
5 He ran across the wet road and over to the hospital entrance before any of them could answer him .
6 By section 434 of the Companies Act 1985 if inspectors appointed to investigate the affairs of a company consider that an officer or agent of the company ‘ or any other person ’ is in possession of information relating to a matter relevant to the investigation they may require him :
7 The latest word from Malawi is that they may see him after Kamuzu Day , a possible flashpoint , this Thursday .
8 Every family with a young man knows they may lose him to the war , and they are as furious about it as a swarm of bees .
9 They may have him already . ’
10 If the police wish to detain him they must place him under arrest .
11 This time they must send him to prison .
12 This would inevitably be slow-moving , but it was only seventy miles from Berwick , so that they must expect him before the town within the week .
13 Those things strapped to his poor little scalp — they must hurt him , no matter what they said .
14 They must give him a chance .
15 He says if people think he 's not telling the truth they must tell him to his face .
16 On 5 November 1978 , four generals called Afshar saying they must see him at once .
17 That is , they must convict him of the offence which they think he probably did not commit .
18 He poured himself more whisky , pressing Herr Nordern to have another , too , and saying that he was leading the Norderns into bad ways but that they must forgive him as it was n't very often they saw him , ha ! ha ! and Herr Nordern , while not prepared to accept that he was led by anyone except the leaders of his country , took the whisky , thinking , what the devil , he had worked like a dog all day , and it was true , Karl would not be with them much longer and they would probably never see him again and , he had to confess , he would n't mind if he never saw him again as long as either of them lived .
19 After a while they must follow him and be armed with dagger and sword .
20 He cared nothing for his wife and daughter and they must wipe him from their minds .
21 They should make him a national treasure , ’ said Ian Wright .
22 He persuaded the Stationer 's Company that they should send him a copy of each book its members printed .
23 Even Sean 's obvious appreciation of her had served mainly to boost her confidence as to how she would look in that other man 's eyes , if by some absolute miracle they should meet him for a moment as they were driving through the grounds of Millfield House .
24 Well obviously Miss the magistrates will need to be satisfied there are grounds why they should bind him over they will also need to be satisfied that there is a fear for the future otherwise they will not bind him over .
25 Well obviously Miss the magistrates will need to be satisfied there are grounds why they should bind him over .
26 They should tell him things .
27 Deane is evidently capable of playing football , they should give him more opportunity to do it .
28 ‘ Then they should remove him . ’
29 They should call him burglar Brain , the way he pinched it .
30 I think first of all we want to know er as far as it 's possible , which of course is always er within the limitations of our abilities whether we think he 's a man that we can recommend to the church , that they should call him .
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