Example sentences of "they [be] given [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Once they pass they are given accreditation for the products they are allowed to sell , and that accreditation is available for the customer to see . ’
2 Correll thinks herbicides , more potent than they are given credit for , may be to blame .
3 But they , and the set-piece speeches to the party faithful , have also done more for Tory morale than they are given credit for .
4 Whilst these may be significantly cheaper in terms of cost and so written off as mere toys they are often far more capable of producing simple documents than they are given credit for .
5 He thinks people 's musical perceptions are wider than they are given credit for .
6 They are given equipment and free visits by carefully selected coaches , who give a series of lessons in the school with the class teacher being gradually trained to take a more and more active part .
7 Yet as we noted in our tenth report : ‘ The price that some children may pay for demanding little of the teacher may be that they are given work which demands little of them ’ ( Alexander et al .
8 Cashier services are under more and more pressure and , although sometimes they are given assistance , it is only at the expense of other work .
9 In the last terms of the diploma course students often find tutorials , where they are given opportunity to talk about work in progress , enormously valuable .
10 This is to say that linguistic ( as well as social ) activities become significant because they are given significance by all participants — not only the " speaker " .
11 They are given advice , counselling and work to do at home .
12 They are given advice choosing topics by their tutors , the librarian talks to them about skills they will need ( based on the nine steps approach ) " and range of information available .
13 In this way , provided they are given guidance on the type and volume of work expected , schools could be brought back into the mainstream of assessing their own pupils ' work instead of being totally dependent on the success or failure of the guessing games they play with the examiner .
14 If the partners unanimously or by a prescribed majority feel that one of their number should no longer remain with the firm they are given power to require him to retire at the end of a period of notice , typically six months or not less than six months to expire at the end of the firm 's accounting year .
15 The problem has been that the field is owned by the builders Wimpey Homes , who refuse to allow the path to be developed unless they are given planning permission to build on at least part of the field .
16 The most severely-handicapped may be able to benefit from pictures and music , if they are given access to them .
17 Meantime they 're given money to buy food . ’
18 ‘ But if they 're given money for the food … ’ the Substitute was trying vainly to put a bouncing lighter to his cigar .
19 Would they be given iodine tablets as well as the workers ?
20 All the difficulties with ‘ wet white ’ were eliminated in Birmingham where there was an obscure ruling that bare legs were banned ( this remained in force as late as the 1950s ) , so when playing there they were given cotton tights but had to put a penny at the side , wrap a piece of string round it and the tights in order to hold them up .
21 Last year they were given permission to go to Israel .
22 They were given permission and were destroyed as the herd of pigs drowned in the lake .
23 If there was no improvement they were given treatment B : 30 mg daily for week three and 20 mg daily for week four .
24 Both had to be rushed to Arrowe Park hospital 's resuscitation unit where they were given oxygen .
25 If they were found worthy they were given help , including cash and the tools to carry on a trade , help in finding a job and regular visitation and advice until they could ‘ stand on their own feet ’ .
26 It 's likely they were given work constructing the gardens .
27 Under this Act they were given responsibility ‘ to make available such advice , guidance and assistance as may promote the welfare of children by diminishing the need to receive children into or keep them in care ’ .
28 They were given tea and biscuits , invited to watch a favourite soap opera on the television , then made to listen to current hits from the charts played for them by a young man called Danny on his ghetto-blaster .
29 Then , as soon as they were given access to each other , and also to the small molecules needed as raw materials , in water , both got back to their old tricks even though they were no longer in a living cell but in a test tube .
30 None of the 5HT antagonists or the 5HT 4 agonist , SC53116 , significantly altered ICJ transit when they were given ip during ia infusion of saline ( Table II ) .
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