Example sentences of "they [be] from the " in BNC.

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1 Users will thus get the same menu commands on 1-2-3/G and Word Perfect PM , so the two products will look as though they are from the same company .
2 They are from the land of green ginger .
3 Admittedly , Air Force Generals and Admirals are unlikely to be very important financially , but they are from the point of view of prestige and power and would , I should think , carry a disproportionate amount of clout .
4 First , the cycle time of the various parts of the computer are not hidden from the microprogrammer , as they are from the conventional programmer .
5 However , bow shocks become wrapped around blunt obstacles and become much weaker the further away they are from the obstacle head .
6 Depend on it , ’ and he sighed , ‘ they are from the Balkans .
7 It is eventually discovered that they are from the ageing Frenchman Bertrand .
8 They say they are from the People 's Liberation Army .
9 If , however , transfer payments are excluded from government expenditure , as they are from the measurement of National Income , then general government expenditure falls dramatically to less than 33% of GDP at market prices .
10 ‘ They are Sterbeurkunden , certificates of death , and they are from the Standesaint of Bad Schwarzendorn . ’
11 ‘ They are all blonde and are all about the same size and although none of them are identical you would know they are from the same family .
12 They are from the first-class dining room . ’
13 I think that , had the girls been from today 's society the situation may have been different but I will assume they are from the same background as the boys were .
14 I should imagine they are from the council .
15 With with the free kick , it 's midway inside his own half and Blackburn as they as they do away from home they get everybody behind the ball even if they are from the third division .
16 Since colours can vary slightly , it 's important to buy all the tiles you need at once to ensure that they 're from the same batch ; it 's also a good idea to unpack and mix them before fixing them , to even out any colour variations .
17 I reckon they 're from the Inland Revenue .
18 But they 're from the garden and they really are rather good .
19 Elementary , my dear Watson ; they 're from the Gibson Firebird .
20 They 're from the UK .
21 Maybe they 're from the London end . ’
22 As I told you , they 're from the best breeders — those whose kennels have passed inspection . ’
23 cos I said to him can you , can you cut me small ones he said well they 're from the rib of the beef he said and it depends on the size of the beef what size your
24 And if they 're from the council or whatever , or whoever does the roads or whatever they 'll probably get in contact with him again .
25 The farther away they were from the centre of authority the easier it was .
26 In verses 5 and 6 Peter makes direct reference to the flood of judgment which came upon the earth in the days of Noah and at the end of the preceding verse 4 he writes of how the scoffers will say that ‘ all things continue as they were from the beginning of the CREATION . ’
27 But the amounts the Poles spent were dwarfed by the way the Nazis used state funds as if they were from the Nazi Party cash box .
28 They did this over two weeks , but there was no means of knowing the energies of the neutrons , the essential information that would tell them whether they were from the fusion of deuterium and be the final proof .
29 They were from the North of England , working-class , unemployed but it was thought only temporarily .
30 It is felt that the persons responsible are in fact local , although both youths stated that they were from the Nottingham area .
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