Example sentences of "they [be] go through " in BNC.

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1 Now they are going through the roof en route to the moon , having forced Spurs into a replay .
2 It should be remembered that generalisation about bereavement or any deep experience in life can be dangerous if carried to extremes , and if you are caring for an elderly parent of either sex who has lost his or her partner , you will have no idea of just how painful their sorrow is for them , so it will be wise simply to assume , whatever their reaction may be , that they are going through a very bad time indeed .
3 The couple authorised a letter confirming that they are going through a ‘ difficult time ’ .
4 So it gives me a very good guide as to what 's going on in their minds when they are going through a process .
5 The problem is they are going through my mind on the court . ’
6 Chief Supt Dave Thompson , who is in charge at Sefton , the division where the murder took place , said : ‘ The family feel alone and isolated and they are going through a sense of frustration and they need to know more information . ’
7 This is why people who are the same age as one another usually end up being friends because they are going through the same experiences simultaneously .
8 And er they 're going through the courts now .
9 If they 're going through the course they 've got to cross the course , they 've got to cross the fences .
10 They 're going through a bad period and they 'll be looking for a positive result as well .
11 But erm they 're going through a bit of a would n't say a bad patch but with living with their mum , with their
12 They were going through the motions on television but their voices , face and body language were vividly clear — they knew they would lose and they were putting on a brave front .
13 I knew MPs who could n't sleep at night because they were going through lobbies voting against their consciences for the Gulf war — to kill 100,000 people — because they believed it would help a Labour victory .
14 Now they were going through another door and into a different kind of room , and this room caused the child to stop and slowly look about her .
15 In the circumstances they could hardly refuse our request for a special audit — indeed , they appeared to welcome it , saying that although they were going through a difficult time they had nothing to hide , and were confident that the bank would wish to continue its support . "
16 County are one of only two sides that have put four goals past Town this season … but when they lost just before Christmas they were going through their worst patch of the season …
17 Mr Gutteridge , whose Mentorn Production Company produces Anneka 's programmes , separated from his wife Jilly shortly after Anneka and Nick admitted in a statement issued through their lawyers that they were going through a ‘ difficult time ’ in October 1991 .
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