Example sentences of "they [be] [adv] need " in BNC.

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1 They are badly needed : as Green has said , ‘ It would be easy for clinical research to become the first and indeed the greatest casualty of reductions in size in London . ’
2 At the same time , we can be certain , because a full account is published , that our gifts go to the missions where they are most needed , are received with gratitude and reciprocated with prayers .
3 The result would simply be a shift in staffing to increase the ratios where they are most needed , with for example severely mentally handicapped children .
4 Golf courses might seem a very obvious use for redundant farm land , but where they are most needed — in the crowded South East — they have met most resistance from the environmental and Nimby ( not in my back yard ) lobbies .
5 He may know the difference between a tractor which works and one which does not , but he can not know how many tractors are required , what sort of tractors to build , and where they are most needed .
6 As part of our routine annual review of allocations , we shall continue to consider how best to ensure that funds are targeted where they are most needed .
7 How can the limiting of regulation 72 be justified by a Department which has the declared aim of targeting benefits where they are most needed ?
8 There are , of course , great temptations for an interviewer to classify respondents into categories where they are most needed rather than where they really belong , especially when the job is nearly complete and respondents from particular categories seem rare or , perhaps understandably , at the end of a long day in the rain and the cold .
9 purposely built for people with disabilities who are getting quite physically disabled and they are desperately needed !
10 even if they are both needed and wanted by the school .
11 In any case , high-rise buildings are seldom built because they are socially needed .
12 Practitioners who initially took a stance against involvement in purchasing because of their concerns over fundholding leading to a two tier system need to be persuaded that they are still needed in influencing purchasing decisions overall .
13 These are the inorganic elements in the diet , and although they are only needed in tiny amounts , they have very important functions .
14 Our hospital organisation has grown up with no plan , with no system ; it is unevenly distributed over the country and indeed it is one of the tragedies of the situation that very often the best hospital facilities are available where they are least needed .
15 Drugs used to control specific symptoms such as asthma or hay-fever should not be used routinely during the diet — only use them if they are actually needed .
16 warning lights do not appear on the dashboard unless they are actually needed , thereby giving priority to essential information such as vehicle speed , engine speed and fuel .
17 Tranquillisers , anti-depressants , or sleeping tablets should only be taken if they are really needed .
18 They 're also needed .
19 But the housing association says they 're desperately needed .
20 But I 've been on an immense number of statutory instruments upstairs er and everybody says they 're greatly needed , they usually say they 're greatly needed because they want to go out in three or four minutes and ten thirty comes and ten thirty five they 're out .
21 But I 've been on an immense number of statutory instruments upstairs er and everybody says they 're greatly needed , they usually say they 're greatly needed because they want to go out in three or four minutes and ten thirty comes and ten thirty five they 're out .
22 She said they were desperately needed to prevent ‘ an even greater catastrophe . ’
23 Not surprisingly one finds a greater number of narratives of the miracles of dead saints in France than in Germany , because they were more needed there .
24 Falkenhayn was obliged to gather German reinforcements from wherever he could : three divisions from the north of the front , more from reserves , and four from the Western Front , where they were sorely needed .
25 They were much needed since one of the leading rebels , Vulgrin of Angoulême , had not only put his castles in a state of readiness but was able to take the field with a force of Brabançons .
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