Example sentences of "they [adv] [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 • After several days on this schedule they will be going to bed and getting up at their chosen time , one that gives them enough sleep during the weekdays .
2 Hundreds of them suddenly erupt from a tiny hole in the sand and start sprinting across the dune looking for the bodies of insects that may have collapsed from heat stress .
3 You see some of them only live in a small cottage with no garden and that 's an extension to their home , you can go down there with the children
4 I would rather see a few children unnecessarily separated from their parents than thousands of them just remain without any parents at all ! [ … ] .
5 Most of them just go with the flow , ending up as something like a gas fitter or a policeman .
6 Several of them already suffer from frequent famines .
7 At no time did I ever have one of them ever say to me that they were erm against foxes , but all of a sudden we find ourselves being issued with a er petition from tenant farmers which says that they are against er people like me that er er pro banning , it 's very like er Mr , we ca n't attack Mr cos he 's no longer here but on the , on the issue of er , I C I brought ou .
8 All the boys in Take That are careful with money , three of them still live at home with mum — and their parents make cups of tea for the adoring fans who wait outside their homes .
9 Yet the people targeted by them still live with economic stagnation , political repression , malnutrition and ecological crisis .
10 The Greeks used to know this part of the world well , and a scattering of them still live in Romania , Bulgaria and as far east as Ukraine .
11 Most of them still seem to be more or less all right , but Fiver and Pipkin will have had as much as they can stand before long . "
12 Finally , if my readers still have doubts about the general drift of my argument , let me ask them how else we are to explain why modern revolutionary movements which always aim to free those who believe in them always end by enslaving them ?
13 New competences may be acquired , others may become redundant as the contexts calling them forth change in relation to the situation of the social actor .
14 Players hide the studs from referees by showing him their reserve pair — complete with regulation studs — and them quickly switch before the game .
15 Still , it is not that he wants biologists to give them more credit for maintaining the planet .
16 The aim of this policy was to define parental rights and incidentally , mobilise parents by giving them more influence within the schools their children attended .
17 It provides subordinates with greater job satisfaction by giving them more say in decision-making which affects their work .
18 More of them probably remain to be identified , particularly where there were important royal centres in Saxon times .
19 Is not it significant that the 10 authorities with the worst staying-on rates are all Labour controlled and that many of them also figure among the 20 authorities whose students have the worst GCSE results ?
20 A lot of them also stand on the part that covered by Street And I know Street has got a tenant 's action group against prostitutes .
21 The symptoms of psychosis as we know them today appear in all literatures from the earliest times .
22 Some of them even have to be parents when they get home where they see at first hand the pressures to supply children with fashionable merchandise .
23 Thus all eleven of the zonal ammonites of the Lower Lias ( basal Jurassic ) belong to different genera and only two of them even belong to the same subfamily .
24 Of course , such con- ditions did not disgrace every mill , nor were they wholly absent outside the factory system .
25 They mostly feed at dawn and dusk , so try feeding yours at these times , offering earthworms and pieces of fish .
26 Yet when people think of lighting they mostly think of lights or lamps — the actual fittings — rather than of a flexible medium , just like heat , which can be manipulated by the flick of a switch or a turn of a dimmer .
27 They mostly excel in their industry — the skill with which they irrigate their terraced hillsides with tiny runnels of water shows a considerable advancement in agriculture .
28 ‘ And they mostly talk in Welsh and I do n't understand them , so I do n't care .
29 The horns , though they properly belong to the brass group , are so frequently used as part of the woodwind ensemble that we feel bound to include them in our consideration of this orchestral group .
30 What they can provide , if they successfully attach to money or property which is about to be disposed of , is security for the sum sued for together with interest and expenses .
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