Example sentences of "they [adv] [verb] two " in BNC.

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1 Look mom , the pick of satellite films mom , I mean three of them only get two stars .
2 Although horses do have many emotions , the belief in them only having two is also frequently demonstrated by conventional horse photography and in the show ring .
3 The 1982 and 1984 BCS between them only uncovered two cases of attempted rape and 17 and 18 sexual assaults respectively ( Jones et al .
4 However it is clear that these students who did not meet the GER had passed through a rigorous process of selection , and a number of them already had two A-level at the time of entry .
5 One of them still had two or three mouthfuls of wine in it .
6 Only after ‘ tedious battering the top thereof with pick-axes ’ did they eventually undermine two of its six sides bringing them down and leaving the tower in the state in which it is today .
7 So they only had two hours further on to go from The Two Mills then to Hollyhead basically .
8 So they only want two .
9 Oh yes , they only want two so that would be you and a treasurer .
10 the pink bits the bit that fits onto ridge , they 've got three screws in each piece but they only need two to hold them , so I 've taken the centre one out of each one and used it to do the
11 Consequently , many people find the unsmiling face of a horse rather expressionless which encourages them to think that horses are virtually emotionless — that they only have two emotions : ears forward , and the horse is happy ; ears back , and he is bad tempered .
12 Even if the walker or climber has an ice axe they only have two or three seconds to stop themselves before their bodies , often clad in slippy waterproofs , pick up speed .
13 But for pulling the muck out of the tumble they only have two .
14 Yeah , there 's a company that er imports from the south seas , all the fishes and they just charge two pound a pound .
15 they just say two hundred and twenty five , cos if you start saying forty five degrees from
16 I expect they just put two and two together and went on from there . ’
17 ‘ No reason to suppose that people will come out five miles to see a vet when they already have two good practices in their own town . ’
18 I thought they normally had two , you see .
19 the only one who worked full time , they came on Christmas Eve with reluctant , because I said look I 'm sorry but I have to work Christmas Eve lunch time , and they said right we 'll be there at five past one , and I finish at one , there were there at five past one , they finally left two days after Christmas because I said I 'm sorry I have to go back to work today .
20 Yeah , they still hold two records
21 But they still scored two on the line and two just away from it .
22 The win over Ipswich hoisted Sunderland three places up the table , and they still have two or three games in hand on the clubs around them .
23 After all , these people are lucky — they still have two rooms intact , and their lives .
24 In reality , they usually make two dividend payments per year , an interim and a final dividend .
25 Predictably , most of the new gentry committees did indeed reveal hostility to emancipation , but they also revealed two other things .
26 They also adjoin two sites of Special Scientific Interest and incorporate the small John Weston Nature Reserve to the north-west .
27 They also met two elderly men , introduced as Tim and Gavin from San Pietro , who ignored Molly and proposed a ‘ boys ’ night out in our local ‘ trat ’ if Hughie wanted a rest from the little ones ' .
28 They also undertake two days of on the job experience in a restaurant , giving them an insight into what is involved , and allowing McDonald 's to assess their suitability .
29 Both Lady Amory and Sir John liked to get their hands in the soil — they did all the planting and arranging of the beds themselves — but they also had two willing helpers , gardeners who 'd been at Knightshayes for years , and some foresters .
30 They also killed two US service personnel in May 1990 in their continuing campaign against foreign bases in the Philippines .
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