Example sentences of "they [verb] not [be] " in BNC.

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1 They 'd not been drabs either , those women .
2 And we found that about twenty two percent of the er , sheep being entered , had been dipped within the period , so in other words they 'd not been withheld , so it 's a concern .
3 Then make sure you know which they are and check them to see they have not been removed or weakened .
4 That they did not was evident in 1988 as 112 gentlemen archers , over half of them using the traditional longbow , took aim at the annual tournament for the ‘ Antient Scorton Silver Arrow ’ .
5 That they did not was because they had achieved only conservation of energy in the sense that the amount released exceeded that contained in the mass of a muon .
6 But the books we 've got should be , if they 've not been moved , up on Row V , shelf sixty-nine .
7 The folk at Fanmore gave them a good fight last week , and drove them off with five men dead , and they 've not been seen since .
8 So they 've not been regular attenders since the age of fourteen or so and their dad and me have always been very tolerant .
9 The general member auditors , er , I 'm told that they , they look after the money they 've not been able to find themselves seats I understand this morning , so hopefully everything 's in order but somewhere around Eric George and Arthur are they around ?
10 Provided they 've not been out of the job all that long , I think , cos things change , do n't they ?
11 The parents say they 've not been told anything official by the Faithful Foundation .
12 Dr Richard Allan , establishment director , said : ‘ They 've not been allowed any alcohol .
13 They 've not been allowed any breakfast . ’
14 I were talking to him on Friday , and er , I mean , they 've not been down there five minutes .
15 Well maybe they 've not been so they give them so long and then they cross them off the books do n't they ?
16 Yeah they 've not been worn have they ?
17 No , they 've not been , th they 've just like been cut flush .
18 They 've not been in a flat
19 As it happens no , they 've not been washed .
20 And when things have turned up and they 've not been quite right he 's known
21 they only need washing , I mean I might be wrong , they might have , they might have gone funny , but I doubt it they 've not been up there that long really only about two
22 They 've not been making money for years though
23 Er but er they 've not been studied a great deal by
24 Cos they 've not been trained yet .
25 They 've not capitulated because they 've not been prepared to fight , they 've capitulated because there was no coordinated er , organizations to pull them together .
26 And the letter is tells me basically that they 've not been able to find out what the cause of the explosion was , and that there has n't been any further explosion since .
27 They 've not been tested solely on that , but it 's on the question .
28 The reason given was that children would not be religiously and educationally prepared for the reception of Holy Communion and Confirmation because they had not been educated at a catholic school , irrespective of their parents ' alternative provisions : in one area , parents had set up their own Sunday schools as an alternative .
29 Lord Aldington insisted they had not been lied to , but they would not have got into the trucks if they had known they were going to Yugoslavia .
30 He also had a high opinion of British travellers and officials but felt that they were not dedicated , or good examples of Christian virtues ; they had not been chosen for their moral worth and were likely to be judged by Muslims in that light .
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