Example sentences of "they [verb] [adv] about " in BNC.

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1 If we are to take account of the world in which our students now live — the world of mass media , information technology and global communications systems — and help them think critically about it , we must develop new teaching approaches , drawing together the theories , skills and research techniques of all academic disciplines .
2 He wondered whether to tell the four of them seated there about the death of Dr Kemp , for they 'd have to know very soon anyway .
3 I want them to hear more about the world — Europe , South East Asia , the developing world .
4 Most of them know enough about their swings to make minor compensations and can work the ball around the course quite adequately since they can all revert to a ‘ bread and butter ’ swing , usually with ‘ bread and butter ’ results .
5 The three of them talked politely about horses and racing for a few minutes , before Kelly decided it was time to leave .
6 Today they cared only about themselves .
7 Some regions and countries would have a comparative advantage , either because they were sparsely populated or because they cared less about the smell of a rubbish dump than their more pernickety neighbours did .
8 They argued ferociously about Ireland , although neither of them knew too much about it .
9 They argued contentedly about which saint emerged as the more attractive personality : St Benedict won on grounds of religious influence , St Luke on those of influence over secular life , because of his gospel .
10 They argued endlessly about it .
11 They disagree strongly about its consequences : was it a watershed in British industrial relations , as some Communist writers would have us believe , or did it barely change the course of TUC and trade union policy , as Gordon Phillips has argued ?
12 Everyone in our sample cases agreed that the law is the law and must be enforced ; they disagree only about what the law in fact was .
13 Moi , " he knew from his reading , was an Annamese term derived from the Chinese word for " savage , " and looking at the dark-skinned , low-browed men , he could see they were of a different racial stock from the Annamese ; they wore only breechclouts that left their haunches naked and they grinned and chattered animatedly in their own language as they moved quickly about their work .
14 chasing back to the local paper to the approximate time that we think they died see if they report enough about them .
15 Will they know more about that than they do when they simply carry out what the curriculum requires of them regardless of how it is supported , budgeted for and described to parents by the governors ?
16 While the British were doing this , they learnt enough about the political situation in Bengal to realize that in a few months of confused and contradictory policy ( of which his aggressive and then conciliatory treatment of the East India Company was only one example ) Siraj-ud-Daula had lost the confidence of the Hindu merchants and bankers who ran the financial system and of some of the Muslims who ran the Bengal army .
17 They point out that well known communication graphic techniques such as pie charts often do a good job of summarising data but are of little use as exploratory tools since they reveal little about their structure .
18 Ask children what they line best about the school .
19 They worry also about the possibility that war could spill out into the so-far peaceful bits of the Balkan neighbourhood ( see below ) .
20 Many old people tell their elderly friends , in confidence , that although they worry sometimes about various things in the house that need attention and are beyond their capabilities , they do n't like to keep mentioning ‘ this and that ’ to their children when they visit , as they are only too delighted to see them and feel it is a bit hard to put them to work as soon as they arrive .
21 They 'll never better Please Do n't Make Me Cry , and they know more about Neil Diamond 's Red Red Wine than he does .
22 So , next time you talk to your stringer , check out they know more about their job than you do .
23 Admittedly , Interpol 's writ does n't run worldwide — they would have zero clout in places , say , like Tripoli , Tehran or Beirut — and they are an information gathering and dispensing agency not an executive unit , and they know more about bad people than any other group in the world .
24 If no obvious precipitating stressors are elicited , the therapist should leave it and return to this area when they know more about the client 's past history , pre-morbid personality , and present situation .
25 Once again I have attracted the wrath of many supporters who think they know more about football than the eleven ‘ Stiffs ’ they profess to follow .
26 They know more about things .
27 Richard Dunwoody and Gordon Richards both reckon that this will be the one to beat and they know more about this race than most these days for both have a fine record in the big chase .
28 They know more about the human body and have proper Greek translations of Galen 's Art of Medicine and Hippocrates ’ Book of Symptoms . ’
29 What do you feel about banks , do you think they know enough about business when it comes down to it .
30 At first they talked easily about David 's chances of demobilisation , and the kind of law he would practise when he eventually got back to London , and his prospects of fighting a reasonably safe seat at the next General Election , but inevitably that led on to Julia 's plans .
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