Example sentences of "they [verb] [pron] had " in BNC.

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1 She chose not to let them know she had proof this was a deception .
2 Joe went downstairs to have a word with the Beavis family , to let them know he had a young woman upstairs and why .
3 Neither of them mentioned what had taken place outside the school and neither of them would .
4 Her family wrote and said that Medau was Beryl 's whole life and what a great comfort it was to them to know she had so many loving friends .
5 If on the other hand it was the morning fire of the returning verderers it would be possible for Hugh to stumble back to them pretending he had failed to recapture his prisoner .
6 An amazing 98 of them stated they had lost inches from areas they had considered difficult to slim or had found impossible to reduce previously .
7 One look was sufficient to make them realise they had made a dreadful mistake .
8 They revealed he had been seriously injured in a knife attack at his home four months earlier and had urged them to drop their inquiries .
9 Before they met she had accepted her call-up into the armed forces because it was one of the things that happened in wartime ; accepted it because it was a moral necessity .
10 The couple were taken to police headquarters for questioning where they admitted they had picked up a man on the night of 10 July by the harbour but did not know him and had only given him a lift into town .
11 It was only after he had gone that they realized they had never asked his name or where he lived .
12 ‘ The Tobolsk police , when they realized they had got an Englishman , rang Moscow .
13 It had identified itself as Churchill 's private secretary , Jock Colville , and said they realized he had some news to tell them .
14 Later that evening when they were seated comfortably in the bar Mary brought up the subject of the eerie feeling in the cutting ; they agreed it had been a most disturbing experience and that there must be some explanation .
15 All of a sudden they realised they had been tricked from the very beginning .
16 When the borders opened up last year , they realised they had the worst .
17 ‘ Everyone was very shocked when they realised what had happened .
18 they know , how did they know he had VD when he fucking died
19 ‘ Labour thought they were going to win a point today — they were rather disappointed when they found they had got it completely wrong . ’
20 When the researchers re-imaged the same area , they found they had created small groups of three atoms , arranged in a triangle , which appeared higher than their neighbours .
21 Ukraine ( except in the formerly Habsburg part ) and Macedonia showed no signs of wanting to break away until the USSR and Yugoslavia had been destroyed by other hands , and they found they had to take some action in self-defence .
22 At Ealing Broadway they found they had been .
23 They found they had to aid each other to achieve coupling , or they would slip apart to achieve nothing .
24 They found there had been no unjustifiable delay and said time had been needed to assemble evidence .
25 They found it had not been modified in any way and could not operate on the 27–28 MHz frequency ( the FM Citizens ' Band ) .
26 When they had left the cinema , they found it had been raining so Yanto decided the standing position would be favourite .
27 Take Henry I , for example , the king who never smiled again , our teacher told us , after he had lost his only son and heir , in the White Ship : then they found he had twenty-four little baskets scattered all round the country .
28 The French forces won back the city , but when they reached the residence of Ho Chi Minh they found he had gone .
29 they mentioned he had an excellent game — and from the goals showed the scot goalkeeper could have done much better on two of the italian goals … specially the first one — a flat shot from far out and at an angle too .
30 Even if they had wanted to black the work in support of a NATO ally , they say they had no grounds once Britain began delivering the engines after the Falklands war .
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