Example sentences of "they [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Taking the radical students ' ideals at face-value one might have expected them to see this incident as yet another example of oppression by a fascist regime and protest against it — after all , they protested enough when it used such methods against its own people .
2 However , since the database files were in dBASE format , it is possible to interrogated them using this software rather than Doctor Data if you choose .
3 The aim was to ensure that subjects had been fixating correctly by requiring them to report this digit immediately prior to recalling the stimulus .
4 Lobbying by pharmaceutical companies has already watered down a proposed directive which at first suggested forcing them to include detailed information on dosage and usage on advertisements .
5 It is always dangerously easy to write superficially about human relationships , particularly this one of the mother and daughter living together in old age , picturing them enjoying endless winter evenings by the fire , with never a cross word , and long summer afternoons in a garden of roses , sitting in deckchairs on a lawn that never needs mowing .
6 We should approach the white public school middle class networks in the business world and let them deliver some money .
7 There is a revolution taking place today in the way that executives are obtaining information to help them make critical business decisions .
8 Doctors can ask us all sorts of intimate questions and expect honest answers ; in return , we expect them to treat this knowledge confidentially and not to gossip about the state of our health .
9 In short , both of them combine motley membership with rigid structure — which does not make for relaxed , efficient teamwork .
10 Gravity attracts objects towards each other ; antigravity would make them repel each other .
11 He urged them to compare any sum they had in mind with damages that might be awarded for physical injuries that lasted a lifetime .
12 These accounts are also used to settle banks ' foreign exchange transactions and to enable them to conduct normal correspondent banking relationships ( see Chapter 3 , Foreign Exchange Market : Correspondent Banks ) .
13 The teachers ' accounts of what happened to them make disturbing reading .
14 Notices attached to them make this plain .
15 He left them cooking each other supper and drinking brandy .
16 Hoffmann J. declared that in each case the beneficial interest in the property was owned by the bankrupt and his wife in equal shares and he made orders for possession and sale but , after considering the circumstances of the two wives and their children and , in particular , that the half shares to which they would be entitled would be insufficient for them to acquire other accommodation in the area and the educational problems of the children , imposed a provision for postponement until the youngest child in each case attained the age of sixteen .
17 However , the standing of their occupations — the fact that a programmer or analyst is regarded as a " professional " in a way in which a typist or word processor operator is not , also makes it easier for them to acquire self-employed status .
18 ‘ I really do n't like them eating that sort of disgusting junk food , ’ Laura protested .
19 Many scientists are active in such groups in Northern Ireland and a significant proportion of them bring special expertise to their organisations .
20 On the basis of our stated principles we can therefore say that unc and unc are both real properties of the proton B. However quantum mechanics does not permit them to enjoy this status simultaneously , since they correspond to operators which do not commute with each other ( p. 28 ) .
21 Oh , they 'll be back , they 've none of them got that sort of money .
22 It did not take long for the two of them to agree that cost-cutting and restructuring were required .
23 I sat down with LIFE and worked through their philosophy , erm in line with our own as it were , and they agreed , and I would ask them to agree this year that any paperwork or any leaflets they distribute make it very clear that a choice remains for a woman in terms of whether or not she should have an abortion , because LIFE is fairly , yes , Michael ?
24 The final withdrawal without major disaster enabled them to preserve some profit .
25 Ideas about not ‘ burdening others ’ with personal problems , that discussing them denotes some kind of ‘ personal weakness ’ , are common within the older generations , especially when the prospective counsellee has a strong sense of personal dignity and pride .
26 ‘ And how many of them made any effort to get along with me ? ’ she exploded .
27 They could n't ignore the fact that they were to part , and neither of them made any attempt to avoid it in conversation .
28 While he may not be collecting as actively as he was a few years ago , his name still inspires sufficient awe in most art world people for them to request complete anonymity when discussing him .
29 As most of their expansion had been in transport sectors , it was a natural step for them to try switching production from trucks to tanks .
30 ( 2 ) Directing that the money remain in court , that , where solicitors sought payment out to them of money belonging to a foreign state , if the court was not satisfied that the solicitors had authority to act on behalf of that state , it should , of its own motion if necessary , require them to obtain that authority and ensure that the money remained under the court 's control meanwhile ; that the factors to be taken into account in deciding whether a regime existed as the government of a state were whether it was the constitutional government of the state , the degree , nature and stability of administrative control that it exercised over the territory of the state , whether Her Majesty 's Government had any dealings with it and the nature of any such dealings and , in marginal cases , the extent of its international recognition as the government of the state ; that on the evidence , M. 's interim government did not become the constitutional successor of the former government and was unable to show that if it was exercising any administrative control over the territory of the Republic of Somalia ; and , accordingly , the instructions and authority the solicitors had received from the interim government were not from the Government of the Republic of Somalia , and no part of the proceeds in court should be paid out to the solicitors without further order of the court ( post , pp. 750G–H , 757E–G ) .
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