Example sentences of "on our [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 When he knocked on our door the older detectives would n't answer it .
2 On our return the Agent had gone and the women were calm , unlike Bustos , that foolish puppy , spinning at my feet and fixing me with his heartbroken eyes .
3 There have been many attacks on our society the trade used by taking our finances and yet , by their economic mistakes and profitization , we , the ordinary working people , pick up the bill .
4 No-one ‘ dropped in ’ on our family the whole of the time I lived at home .
5 Oban Pier is again the starting-point from which the ‘ Clydesdale , ’ the ‘ Clansman , ’ or another of Hutchison and Company 's well-equipped steamboats start to bear the traveller out of Kerrera Sound , past Dunolly , past Dunstaffnage , across the opening of Loch Etive , round Lochnell Head within sight of the Lady Rock , Duart Castle , and the mountains of Mull ; having on the right the mountainland of Lorn , whose ever-changing forms fill the mind with admiring wonder ; on our left the Isle of Lismore and the coast and far-stretching hills of Morven .
6 On our arrival the bar was full of hopeful faces , most of them gypsy ones .
7 On our side the bank was slow and grassy and sloped up to trees .
8 On our right the dark sea which , if the sun were back on , would have been an impossible blue .
9 Ah I think it 's when Martin and I were taking a top up on our mortgage the last time erm the building society suggested we took the policy out with you .
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