Example sentences of "on our [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , we had the Labour candidate knocking on our door yesterday and I think John must of been in a right foul mood , cos he he says come in and talk to me
2 ‘ I have four children , and the police have never had cause to knock on our door before .
3 The Spirit who inspired their writing is perfectly well capable of taking some part of them and writing it on our hearts so that it becomes an inescapable pointer to a particular course of action .
4 Chesara Luther , a large impressive dog with plenty of bone and substance , but perhaps , larger ears than we would like on our Rottweilers today .
5 Steady on — 3% will do But what about the egg on our faces afterwards ?
6 Erm There 's also mention there about er family services , and I 've put those on our agenda later on .
7 For I have not bothered to tell her that I spotted the blasted thing on our drive back from Bournemouth to London , lurking in a lay-by .
8 On our journey home , at some unknown point , one of the canoes broke loose and came off the trailer and was lost .
9 On our journey back home , we were to do one last activity , either ten pin bowling or white water rafting .
10 Report by Paddy Shennan A NEW children 's cartoon show arrives on our screens later this month and , quite frankly , it 's a load of rubbish !
11 ‘ We 've fallen on our feet tonight , eh ? ’
12 Times when we all get down in the dumps , but God can always reach deep within us and put us back on our feet again .
13 If you would like to put your dog on our register simply send us a stamped addressed envelope and we 'll send you a form .
14 Our next port of call would be Bira again , which anyway lay directly on our course back eastwards , and where some unfinished business remained to be settled .
15 I 'd welcome your views on our service then ; " or " We are confident that next time you purchase one of our products there will be no problem .
16 er We , we go out once a week on our bikes just to keep fit for the job more than anything , and have a pint away from the wives , er but er we 've looked into the idea of getting a bike specially made for Joanne , er the little girl who I said suffers from this disease .
17 I used to go and fetch the , the butter from do n't bring margarine my father used to say we put better stuff on our machines so er I used to go to for my father kept foul , I used to fetch a peck of , bushel of this and a bushel of , you know all the various things that , bran and stuff for the foul yes , yes and I believe a lady , she has , she 's only recently died and but she kept it for a long long while Elsie her name was .
18 we are the product of historical , biological , psychological , economic and social factors which interact , cluster and impinge on our lives sequentially
19 ‘ It had its effect on our lives undoubtedly , particularly mine .
20 Austin Currie condemned the police action in blocking their route , and said that NICRA would be organising more parades , which would not stop at Thomas Street : ‘ O'Neill and those Orange bigots behind him [ will ] realise once and for all that we are on our way forward .
21 Erm we nearly knocked over Simon on our way here .
22 " I must say from what we saw on our way here tonight the local female population seems fairly unapproachable , " said Chuck , " even though they look good in those snazzy little silk dresses . "
23 On our way upstairs we met a gentleman coming down in the dark .
24 By morning we were on our way again .
25 A quick drink from the flask , hardly needed as we were still hot on adrenalin , and we were on our way again .
26 ‘ And now we must be on our way again , ’ Mr Carson said .
27 We 're on our way again .
28 Three days ago on our way up here we passed a field with two horses standing at a five-bar gate .
29 We had seen and sensed them on our way up , their tentative postures , their unanimity of hesitation .
30 When we reached Dunkil we could have done two things , we could have said to the Bible class , We had a marvellous journey up and told them all about the glory of God as we saw him in the mountains , or we could have said , We almost had an accident on our way up here .
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