Example sentences of "on my [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 you 're gon na stand on my foot in a minute then I 'm gon na kick you in the bollocks with the other foot !
2 I could of improved this spelling by engaging my brain when I did my homework doing it on my lap in front of Neighbours .
3 She 'd sat on my lap in a friendly way , true , but that was just so I could get a better fix on her rug .
4 She laid it on my lap in a soft caress .
5 It sounded extremely good , so I , lying on my back in the sunshine , shouted up to the open windows , ‘ Hello , who 's playing that ? ’
6 I told Michael Quirke how a heron had once nearly landed on my back in Wales , and he was mightily impressed , taking it as a good luck omen .
7 But I 'm in the lake , I 'm floating on my back in the water .
8 It took me all day to convince my mother that there had been a change , but by the next afternoon I found myself flat on my back in the hospital again with injunctions not to move .
9 When she subsided , her face mutinous , he continued grimly , ‘ Lying on my back in their spare room , bored and in pain , forced to lie still , I watched the television that your parents were kind enough to install .
10 I just have to put up with all the humiliations that fall on my head in this great country !
11 ‘ We have to agree on my involvement in the promotion .
12 This ex-rugger international has , for reasons best known to himself , tired of rambling on about the oval ball game ; as a consequence he has taken to bespattering the media with stories about his allegedly ‘ sexy ’ life and times in terms which strive risibly to emulate the writings of the greatest rock journalist in the world — just like practically everyone else in the media has been muscling in on my territory in recent times .
13 When I got back to England , someone commented on my bravery in the crisis .
14 Joe put his great strong hand on my shoulder in the gentlest possible way .
15 But outwardly I was all sweetness and patient understanding , continually being congratulated on my competence in the role of ‘ little mother ’ .
16 I lay on my bed in a cheap lodging house and cried and I tell you Ellen I wished I was with you and receiving your kindness which was great to me .
17 One evening a girl jumped on me when I was lying on my bed in my cubicle .
18 He had whilst I was lying intoxicated on my bed in my quarter had oral sex , had masturbated over my body and had entered my vagina for about 10 seconds .
19 But I was on my feet in a second .
20 I bathe whenever I feel like it , drink iced wine on my verandah in the evening , and lead a dolce far niente existence .
21 Nor does it rely principally on my experience in classrooms , though I have been , briefly , a secondary schoolteacher and have been visiting schools and working with young people in a variety of ways on and off for the last sixteen years .
22 What I saw on my visits in 1982 illustrated just some of the health problems we faced .
23 He explains : ‘ This is because Alex Ferguson helped me on my way in football when I was 14 years old , and taught me most of the things I took with me from Aberdeen . ’
24 GEORGE HERRINGSHAW/ASP Bryan Gunn : ‘ Alex Ferguson helped me on my way in football when I was 14 years old , and taught me most of the things I took with me from Aberdeen ’
25 tax paid and everything , and I know it 's gon na be in there I said now that to me is worth a lot I ai n't got ta worry whether there 's gon na be cheque from out on my doormat in the morning or if it 's gon na bounce when I put it in so I sa
26 Our lists contained the names of the family ‘ prigs ’ we knew were professional thieves and burglars ; and of whom I was advised on my arrival in the department by an old detective : ‘ you only get one chance a year to nail these bastards if you are lucky , so when you do , its got to be watertight ’ .
27 There were the usual number of new faces to get used to , but they all seem a bit vague to me now , except of course for the one face that greeted me on my arrival in the Guard Room .
28 I had just told him that on my arrival in South Africa I received a pressing invitation to Rhodesia , where I am now writing .
29 I 'm glad that you commented er , so favourably about brother Hayes ' er , attendance at your headquarters conference because , of course , brother Hayes is acting on my behalf in that capacity .
30 But in those rare flashes when one can shed the present self and all it is in command of I realise that there were really only two occasions when I did personally feel the times on my pulse in such a way that I remember them , and not what I have since reconstructed of them .
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