Example sentences of "on which [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 All that you have to do to be included in the draw for this super prize , is to take out a subscription for yourself — or a friend or relative — by 25th August , on which day the draw will take place .
2 Can you figure out on which day the lily filled exactly half of the pond ?
3 On which day the spring Equinox falls ?
4 The Iraqi authorities ordered all foreign embassies in Kuwait to close by Aug. 24 , on which day the British and US embassies , together with others which defied the order , were surrounded by Iraqi troops but no attempt was made to remove the diplomats by force .
5 The U.S. Army 's chief of research and development , General Gavin , casually revealed the vagueness of the calculations to a congressional committee : in the event of a nuclear strike against the Soviet Union , he said , the estimated casualties were ‘ several hundred million deaths — that would be either way , depending on which way the wind blew .
6 It is an asymmetric measure , just like d : the slope depends on which variable is treated as the response variable , just as d depends on which way the percentages have been run ; exercise 10.2 has been set to illustrate this .
7 But the past conditional is a notoriously tricky area , even for mother-tongue speakers , and there 's no point in speculating on which way the final result might have gone if we wouldn't 've scored that first goal , Ron .
8 The voices have been heard as far as the race track or right at the other end of the town , depending on which way the wind is blowing .
9 Lower down , though , the bearing figures tended to wander about quite a bit , depending on which way the aerial was pointing .
10 One of the main innovations is the ‘ diamond deflection system ’ which produces very realistic rebounds depending on which way the ball and player are travelling .
11 Will he consider bringing the Conservative party , and talking to the Scottish National party to bring it into the Scottish Constitutional Convention so that we can then have a genuine debate on which way the constitution of Scotland should go ?
12 Yeah if keep keep it sort o erm alphabetically okay so you 've got the As then the Bs the the Cs depending on which letter the word starts with .
13 The remaining six controls are for setting parameter values , effect variations or turning the effect on/off , depending on which mode the A2 is set to .
14 With only one , he can not establish direction , but with two he can judge on which side the scent is stronger and so fly steadily towards it .
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