Example sentences of "on [art] small [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was deserted , and the two ladies settled together on the small sofa .
2 Patrick turned over in the bed , and discovered that there was a fire burning in the grate and a breakfast tray on the small side-table beside the bed .
3 Compensation is based on the small farmer or the peasant farmer in the EC .
4 As he watched the young couple make love on the small bed , he lit another cigarette with the lighter that lay on the table beside him .
5 " Well , " Graham said awkwardly as Sara sat down on the small bed , " that 's us told . "
6 Isabel sat up and concentrated on the small casket he placed beside her .
7 He was among the politically active officers of 1647–9 , serving on the small standing committee to which Sir Thomas Fairfax ( later third Baron Fairfax of Cameron , q.v. ) handed over control of issuing all commissions , and acting as a spokesman for the high command in their successive dealings with the Parliament , the king , and the radicals in the army itself ( the Agitators and their Leveller allies ) .
8 10.00 : Was informed that a child on the small coach had an epileptic fit on the way to school this morning and that Coach Guide was very upset .
9 The Scottish Institute is currently finalising papers on the small company audit and disincorporation to be released shortly .
10 Evans 's heavy hand smacked down on the small man 's shoulder .
11 At seven-thirty , in struggling daylight , we stopped briefly in a place identified in suitably small letters on the small station as Schreiber .
12 This is considerably larger than the particle size used by Korth ( 1979 ) , but since even they had little effect on the small mammal bone , two large clasts were added as a third stage , weighing 368 g between them .
13 Finally , the effects of digestion on the small mammal collections and the differences observed between different predators are described .
14 She had no energy to swim in the water and pull herself out on the small strip of toilet paper left from the last flushing of the toilet .
15 It reinforced his uneasiness , however , when she lit candles on the small dining-table and then turned off the only overhead electric light .
16 This was so successful that in May 1873 they took a lease on the Small Hall at the Egyptian Hall in Piccadilly , and opened 26 May 1873 .
17 She dosed the door softly behind her , took off her coat and folded it neatly on the small divan bed and snuggled down in the flowery corner armchair .
18 Recently government ministers and the media have tended to concentrate on the small minority of very young women who have had babies and who live on their own .
19 His unusual combination of financial expertise with millenarian enthusiasm gained him a place on the small council of state that administered the country until the Nominated Assembly ( or Barebone 's Parliament ) took over in July 1653 .
20 Another complicating factor is the large number of organisations that are inevitably involved in all the different aspects of rural development , although on the small scale of Lewis and Harris they would appear already to be somewhat better integrated than in many other places .
21 There are four known sources exerted between particles of matter : the electro-magnetic force ( which is what makes magnets attract pins , but is more generally important on the subatomic scale , gravity ( negligible on the small scale but supremely important on the large scale ) and two others , the weak and the strong nuclear forces ( neither of which need concern us here ) .
22 The results are shown on the large scale in Figure and on the small scale the same data is displayed in Figures – .
23 So we , on the small scale , for just bits and pieces , got m several jobs and one of them was moving stuff from the biology labs and the physics labs from Archbishop 's to take it all the way across town to go to Queen Anne 's school .
24 Although he died around 1307 , his memory is preserved on the Langtoft Cross which was erected by the last Sir Tatton Sykes of Sledmere on the small green at the southern end of the village .
25 For some unknown reason , Air Malta flight four four one mistakenly landed on the small taxiway .
26 Light dawns on the small Year Niner 's face as she hastens to explain that the stain on the front of her school blouse is jam that has squirted out of her break-time doughnut , and not blood at all .
27 Amabel , for the first time in her life , had felt in less than perfect harmony with her John-William when he had declared that Linnet , on the small dowry he was prepared to give her , was aiming too high .
28 On the subject of pellet size , it is better to err on the small size anyway , so that your younger Koi can get their mouths round the food ; or feed a mixture of small and large grade pellets , with perhaps a handful of stick food as a treat .
29 Ajayi sat down on the small stool on the other side of the table .
30 ‘ Just one thing , ’ Cranston answered , moving uncomfortably on the small stool .
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