Example sentences of "on [pos pn] [noun] they " in BNC.

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1 He said : ‘ They were shooting in all directions but as I drove towards them on my tractor they started to run .
2 On my departure they assassinated the President .
3 I ca n't say with my heart on my heart they work .
4 The colours were rose-petals that lay so light on my skin they were hardly there .
5 On my report they write that I 'm a bit too chatty , that I talk too much to everybody , friends and teachers .
6 Women would come up to me very unhappy about how I walked out on my children they REALLY believed I was their mother .
7 they got on my nerves them
8 If all children had Superglue put on their fingers they 'd soon stop doing it . ’
9 On their way they passed the entrances to other corridors , some with names painted on the walls .
10 The journey was so organized that on their way they passed through several German states , clearly hoping to find indications of pro-French feeling on the part of the South German sovereigns , who , it was thought , would be alarmed by the seemingly inexorable rise of Prussia .
11 In the second account , Jesus told them to go and show themselves to the priests , and while they were on their way they discovered they were cured .
12 It originated in the defective condition of the electrical wiring on the defendants ' premises , but as there was no negligence on their part they were held not liable .
13 Now , they know they have ability and on their day they can be a very good team .
14 I think erm I think is quite fair maybe if concessions could be raised to one fifty or two pounds but overall I think that people who can afford it spend such a lot of money on the raffle and we therefore give raffle tickets to those who can afford it could jealousy and on the raffle generally about a hundred pounds is made and if there , if there was more charge for tickets , people might not give so much for the raffles and also if you give but if you charge them a nominal sum and then shove other things at them on their options they might be more willing to give to optional choices like a raffle .
15 Astronomers may travel into the depths of space and time , but on their return they must still convince their colleagues of the truth of what they saw .
16 On their return they were given the Charles University which they absorbed into the Clementinum , and the emperor became their protector .
17 On their return they received names in recognition of their war service , ‘ Maude ’ being named after Lt Gen Sir Stanley Maude , who revived the faltering campaign against the Turks in Mesopotamia and led the British forces into Baghdad in March , 1917 .
18 On their return they would again be entirely dependent on Australian state benefits .
19 It was understood that on their return they would have tea on Grace .
20 On their return they discovered he had not only done as instructed but painted the trees which lined the drive as well .
21 Many mujaheddin leaders were reported to be abroad and it was thought that Mujjaddedi , leader of the smallest mujaheddin group as well as of an influential Sufi brotherhood , was trying to delay stepping down in the hope that on their return they would support his continuation in office .
22 And there was the additional point that on their return they had appeared cheerful , as if from a windfall .
23 Those who practise witchcraft are , by definition , in the wrong : if they had right on their side they would hardly need to descend to such mean tricks as witchcraft .
24 On their honeymoon they go to Genoa , and — ‘ , she looked away again , ‘ when they make the love , Lisa , she make the blood .
25 The tall , dark-haired girl had prepared the way for me , and I said ‘ Now let us all kneel , and cry to that same Jesus who spoke those words , ’ and down on their knees they fell every one of them , reverently , on that damp stone floor , some saying the words after me , others moaning and weeping .
26 On their travels they had fallen in love with some exciting pieces of furniture , most of which were unavailable here .
27 If someone has offered you free riding on their horse they are not going to appreciate finding their yard covered in droppings and scattered with grooming kit after you have left , or that you abandoned a sweaty horse without seeing to it after you have ridden .
28 If you put them on their sides they 're too .
29 Erm and people had been paying insurance i it changed then cos some of the farmers could go on their pension they 'd been paying this new scheme you see .
30 When the lights of Canewdon village began to spring up on their hill they looked like lights through frosted glass .
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