Example sentences of "with water [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Plans have also been discussed to relay the surface of the amphitheatre , which would prevent the bottom of the arena from filling with water that seeps into the masonry .
2 He did not want to be bothered with the problems she encountered , with water that seemed brackish or ceilings that had cracked — they were her concerns and , as she complained in a letter to Minnie : — I am driven to distraction with those household concerns with which you will be familiar Minnie but then in your case you have but to report them for them to be seen to by the master who will instruct the butler to bring in workmen and I am obliged to go out and seek my own help which is no easy thing .
3 Then a series of colours that took my fancy were thinned down with water and sprayed , or rather spattered using a mouth diffuser , over the colours I have previously applied .
4 This is available as a white powder which is mixed with water and painted on to the concrete .
5 In the flickering firelight Kalchu beseeched him , ‘ Lord , you are the one who , when we have nothing , feeds us with water and clothes us with the wind .
6 Lightly dampen one piece with water and secure under the shoulder extension .
7 Dampen with water and secure to the front of the frog .
8 ‘ After the police had come and talked to us I just went home and had a cup of tea and a glass of brandy with water and went to bed . ’
9 You just put it in the pan with water and let it boil itself dry .
10 If the sample volume is smaller than this it should be adjusted to 0.5 ml with water and transferred to a 1.5 ml microfuge tube .
11 The process can be modelled by taking a balloon filled with water and pushing a finger in at one point until it touches the other side .
12 The drum is filled with water and mix ingredients , the lid is screwed on , and the Odjob is rolled back and forth for 30–90 seconds to mix the ingredients .
13 The rest of the equipment added ( just a heater/thermostat and airpump connected ) the tank was then filled with water and left to stand .
14 Half-fill a large pan with water and bring to the boil .
15 Half-fill a large pan with water and bring to the boil .
16 Place 6 cloves of garlic in a small saucepan , cover with water and bring to the boil .
17 In a medium pan , cover the beans with water and bring to the boil .
18 Fill a large pan with water and bring to the boil ; add a heaped tablespoon of salt and a dash of ordinary cooking oil ( this prevents the pasta from sticking ) .
19 The wise woman filled a bowl with water and looked into it .
20 ‘ It will be your job to go to the kitchen and get the jug and fill it with water and put it on the table here with a clean empty glass just before the lesson starts . ’
21 When the table was ready she filled a deep pan with water and put it on the cooker , her movements slow and simpering in contrast to those of her mother , who quickly poured olive oil into a big black frying-pan , threw in the artichokes , covered them and rinsed her hands and arms before drawing a chair up to one of the cauldrons and sliding into the curd up to her elbows .
22 I bathed my face with water and felt hot fingers beginning to tickle my back .
23 The penetrating scents of pine , eucalyptus , lemon and orange oils are released when mixed with water and act as a mild preventative disinfectant .
24 Industry does convert some methane into methanol by first mixing it with water and using high temperatures to turn this mixture into hydrogen and carbon monoxide .
25 In 1987 , aluminium melted in the furnace , reacted with water and exploded , sending a black cloud over nearby houses .
26 Following the instructions , I filled my saucepans and kettle with water and set them all to boil .
27 She watched him roll back his sleeves , then fill a bowl with water and set it beside the knives .
28 Dampen the marzipan with water and position the squares , as shown .
29 Fill a small bottle to the brim with water and make a loose-fitting cap out of silver foil to cover the top .
30 Cover with water and simmer for 5 mins .
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