Example sentences of "with him if [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He is by no means as feeble as he appears , and the Homunculi will appear from area 65 to fight with him if they have not already been destroyed .
2 He would persuade her that he loved her , ask her to promise to run away with him if her father refused his consent to their marriage , and , when he finally asked her father for her hand , threaten him with the prospect of his daughter 's elopement — he and Jared Tunstall both knew how self-willed his daughter was , and that any threat from her would not be idle .
3 They may ask the husband to say how he feels , then question the wife about that answer , checking with him if she has understood his meaning in the right way .
4 And she would not go walking with him again and she would not be alone with him if she could help it and she would freeze him with a look when he tried to talk to her .
5 Why had n't she stood her ground ; simply called Luke 's bluff — even pleaded with him if she 'd thought it would do any good ?
6 She had no intention of telling him that she would n't feel safe with him if she wore anything vaguely provocative .
7 He said she could come with him if she did n't want to go on her own and she did n't know how to say no .
8 She 'd have a natter with him if he were , something she often did on her half-days .
9 You got the impression he would have liked to have brought all six volumes with him if he could .
10 If someone is doubting the resurrection , it is irrelevant to assure him of Christ 's promise never to leave him — Christ never was with him if he has not risen .
11 ‘ He 's determined to die and he 'll take Pool with him if he can . ’
12 But then he 'd have to take the desk with him if he was n't to be completely disorientated , and he 'd never be up to manhandling such a heavy piece of furniture .
13 Thus confidential data can be stored on such a disk and the user of this data can physically remove it , even take it home with him if he so desires , thereby ensuring that the information can not be seen by any unauthorised persons This control over sensitive data coupled with the fact that the computer is personal to one user at a time gives the operator a greater sense of confidence in , and control over , the machine he is using .
14 After the way he treated my sister , I would n't go with him if he were the last man on earth . ’
15 Do you think he would be able to take it with him if he goes to Conway House ? ’
16 ‘ I 'm hoping to see something of Czechoslovakia while I 'm here , ’ she replied , but as it suddenly struck her that the silence emanating from Ven Gajdusek was decidedly chilly — and since the last thing she needed was to be bad friends with him if he objected to Lubor Ondrus flirting with her on his time , ‘ But now I must return to my hotel , ’ she added .
17 You can go in with him if you like . ’
18 But still not good enough to explain why you went with him if you dislike him . ’
19 ‘ You must only have been infatuated with him if you 've got over him so quickly , ’ remarked Betty repressively .
20 You were right to break with him if you decided that you had made a mistake in accepting him , but oh , my dear , your uncle Orrin tells me that he dare not inform your father of the dreadful things Havvie is hinting about you for fear of what he might do to Havvie .
21 Well I 'll tell you what if you want to yeah , if you , if you want , well do , do have a word with him if you possible can erm
22 What would you have done with him if you had been able to arrest him ?
23 I would like to go with him if I could . "
24 ‘ Well , I would n't get mixed up with him if I were you . ’
25 I might have had a word with him if I 'd caught him .
26 ‘ So when he told me he had to go back home to Fyn to meet someone , but that I could go with him if I wanted , I gave him an ultimatum . ’
27 ‘ Would I be living with him if I were n't ? ’ she asked .
28 I 'd rather not sleep with him if I can avoid it because he 's , he , I just do n't get any sleep .
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